The marketing needs of today’s vendors seem to be ever-expanding, and the demands for a marketer are extremely diverse and vast. Today’s cutting-edge technologies have given the audience the right to demand more and more. Now they want something very extraordinary, or absolutely new to their eyes in order to be fascinated.
We will see in this blog what top ecommerce trends in digital marketing, marketers need to focus on these days, in order to effectively run their campaigns.
Here are 6 Top Ecommerce Trends Digital Marketing Should Focus on:
The digital world runs a little too fast for those who are a little too slow in the industry. The trends change too quickly in today’s digital world, while marketers have to make sure they operate considering the latest scenario of the market, or they will waste a lot of effort with obsolete values and methods just for nothing. The following are the most followed current trends which are driving the online shopping industry today. Any strategy underestimating any of these is likely to fall short of its target.
1. Mobile Phone Experience:
Have you gone through NX3’s recent Digital Marketing Quiz about people opening their emails on a mobile phone? Yes, 55% of the people open their email on their phone. That’s not it, Google now also ranks web pages with evaluating its mobile responsiveness. So, whether you want to inspire your customers or your website’s ranker, you need to have perfect mobile responsiveness on your website, or neither customers nor Google is going to pay importance to your shopping website.
2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:
What’s more exciting? Abstractly visualize the product you are going to buy in front of your eyes or having a real-like view through a digital window? Well, the answer is obvious, and the answer is trending these days. Customers want to experience what they are buying, before finally deciding to make a purchase. Today’s augmented reality-based technology has changed the way people ever shopped. Companies ranging from home décor to personal products use augmented reality effects to make their customers experience their product in a close reality scenario. It has undoubtedly benefitted the brands which are using the technology, it is mandatory to be kept in focus for achieving success with marketing campaigns.
3. Search Now, Purchase Later:
Surveys show that people take a long time before finally deciding to pay for a product online. They search for a product for around 60days before giving their credit card number to the vendor. It’s natural. But it increases the marketers’ efforts and the required level of consistency and temperament. At the same time, it requires a great set of skills on part of the marketing team to keep checking back for the customer’s digital behavior and altering the outlook as the customers like.
One important thing is to make sure the customer’s sessions remain satisfactory and smooth, so the customer does not decide to abandon their interest in the middle. This habit of customers has to be handled delicately since it is a long bearing process with them.
4. Social Media Presence:
Brand awareness remains the most valuable term for marketers all the time. It takes years to create it among the masses and then maintaining it intact is even tougher.
However, social media have not only made the process fast but also have made a great impact on people’s mind about choosing their stuff. It is seen that people prefer the products which enjoy social media presence and therefore are more likely to prefer them over socially absent products. It is not surprising that in the days of extreme shopping like Christmas, social media trends determine the choices like what place to go for shopping, or what product to choose based on what social offers and discounts are offered by the vendors.
5. Quick Delivery at Doorstep:
If everything has been put on people’s fingertips by technology, it is conceivable if the customers now want everything, from initiating the purchase to its delivery, to be done on its own. Marketers have to make sure the customers get a quick delivery at their doorstep and that’s nothing out of the box. That’s too ordinary for an e-commerce website to offer these days. But that plays an important role in securing leads in today’s marketing campaigns. Therefore adjusting to the trend is crucial to appease your ROI’s hunger in today’s advanced marketing times.
6. Visualize User Experience:
Customers feel more confident if they see the product working in front of their eyes. And the best way to make the customers feel more confident and satisfied is, having videos and images of your product which can work a great deal. Today’s customers seem to be feeling not satisfied with product reviews, blogs, and recommendations. They want to see the product in action in front of them through a video or something that shows all the brilliant features of the product impressively to inspire the customer to purchase it.