Rosh Hashanah is also called the Jewish New Year, which is the beginning of a 10-day period that is listed on Jewish calendar called the High Holidays. High Holidays begins from 15th September and ends 17th September, 2023 evening. This period is a time for self-reflection and celebration.
People who observe this holiday usually follow a meaningful tradition of prayer services and traditional meals are prepared. They might follow other meaningful traditions on his holiday. So it is natural for people to wonder if stores or other services like banks might be closed during this period.
Rosh Hashanah is not listed as a federal holiday so most banks will remain open during this holiday. The banks will remain open during their usual business hours. The holiday falls on weekends and banks usually remain open for limited hours on Saturdays.
On Sundays all banks remain closed so banks will follow their usual schedule. So in that case, this holiday somewhat falls on a day when banks work for limited hours or remain closed.
However, customers will be able to use ATMs or any other online services provided by banks for their needs. If you don’t know your bank’s weekend schedule, find their Saturday hours beforehand to avoid uncertainty.
The U.S. Federal Reserve recognizes 11 holidays in the U.S. These holidays are listed below:
New Year’s Day
Labor Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence DayOn these days all banks, the stock market, post offices and other services remain closed. Schools and government offices remain closed as well. Hospitals on the other hand, have emergency staff in hand and do not remain closed. Hope this clears all your doubt about Rosh Hashanah and if banks will remain closed or not.
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