How Does The Final Fantasy VII Remake And Rebirth’s Story Differ From The Original? 

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The Remake/Rebirth Has Many Changes 

Ever since Final Fantasy VII Remake came out, fans were expecting lots of story changes to the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

The Order Of The Story Beats Have Changed 

Compared to the OF FFVII, Remake and Rebirth have changed the order of story beats to make it more linear unlike the OG’s non-linearity.

The Whispers Of Fate 

Remake and Remaster adds the presence of Whispers, new spirit-like beings who attack anyone going against their destiny.

Zack Is Still... Alive?

One of the biggest changes is seeing Zack as a playable character, who was supposed to have died before the game starts (In FFVII: Crisis Core).

Aerith Can See The Future

Due to Aerith’s connection to the planet in a genetic way, it’s implied that she knows the future... and her tragic ending as well.