The Best Weapons In Final Fantasy 16: How To Wield Them All? 

Final Fantasy 16 is one of the best Final Fantasy games I have played, despite deviating from everything that made Final Fantasy games….well, Final Fantasy games. As a connoisseur of action games like the newer God of War games and Devil May Cry games, I had a blast playing as Clive. However, in my quest to make Clive the strongest being on the planet, I found (and crafted) the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16

Therefore, if you are starting a new playthrough of this game because both the DLCs are out, now is the best time to grab all the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16! 

The Best Weapons In Final Fantasy 16

After beating this game twice in normal difficulty and Final Fantasy mode (with the Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass), here are the ten best weapons in Final Fantasy 16 that I got to use: 

10. Masamune 

Version Damage 
Masamune 310 
Masamune (Reforged) 560 

Ah, the legendary Masamune. Named after the famed Japanese swords maker who made this masterpiece, the Masamune was popularized by Sephiroth, the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Therefore, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16. In the base game, Masamune has 310 damage. However, once you unlock New Game+ (Final Fantasy Mode), it increases to 560! 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Masamune? 

If you wish to learn how to get Masamune in Final Fantasy 16, you must play the main quest until you reach the location of The Shadow Coast monolith in the Kingdom of Waloed.  

From there, you must travel north to The Angry Gap, where you must look for a treasure chest containing Masamune on the top of a hill near The Hand of Rhea Chronolith

9. Everdark 

Version Damage 
Everdark 315 
Everdark (Reforged) 565 

The Everdark is an Eikonic weapon in Final Fantasy 16, which you must craft using elemental shards that you get from defeating the legendary Eikons.  

As one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16, it boasts an impressive damage of 315. Moreover, you can reforge it using Flawless materials in Final Fantasy mode, increasing its damage to 565. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Everdark?

You can only craft the Everdark after completing the “Brotherhood” main quest. Therefore, here are all the crafting materials that you must have: 

  • Dark Shard (found after defeating Barnabas in “The Last King” main quest) 
  • 8x Meteorites 
  • 400x Sharp Fangs 
  • Icebrand (another Eikonic weapon you can craft after defeating Odin in the Through the Maelstorm main quest) 

8. Ragnarok 

Version Damage 
Ragnarok 325 
Ragnarok (Reforged) 575 

The Ragnarok is one of the most powerful legendary weapons in Final Fantasy 16, befitting its doomsday name. As one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16, it has a base stack stat of 325. However, in New Game+, it increases to 575. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Ragnarok? 

After you complete the Across the Narrow main quest, you must do a series of four The Blacksmiths Blues side quests. Therefore, you must talk with Blackthorne, the blacksmith at The Hideaway, to start these side quests. After completing all four of his side quests, you will get the Ragnarok reward.

7. Defender 

Version Damage 
Defender 320 
Defender (+1) 330 
Defender (+2) 340 
Defender (+3) 570 
Defender (+4) 580 
Defender (Reforged) 590 

The Defender is the last weapon that becomes craftable in the base game of Final Fantasy 16. Therefore, it’s one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16, with a base damage of 320. 

Moreover, you can initially upgrade it to +2 at the Black Hammer, increasing its damage to 340. Furthermore, you can upgrade it twice more to +4 in Final Fantasy mode, bringing its damage to a whopping 580!  

In addition, you can acquire the reforged version in New Game+ mode, which has damage of 590. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Defender? 

After you complete the Streets of Madness main quest, you must go to Goetz’s Toll and buy it for 5,000 Gil

6. Gotterdamerung 

Version Damage 
Everdark 375 
Everdark (Reforged) 625 

The first time you play Final Fantasy 16, the Gotterdamerung will be your best weapon in Final Fantasy 16. This is another legendary weapon and was the one I used to defeat Ultima – the final boss of Final Fantasy 16 in my first playthrough.  

This weapon has a base damage of 375. However, in the Final Fantasy mode, it has a damage of 625. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Gotterdamerung? 

To craft Gotterdamerung, you must get through all Final Fantasy 16 hunt locations and acquire Notorious Marks. Doing so will give you enough materials to craft this legendary blade. Therefore, here’s a list of all the crafting materials you need: 

  • 3x Orichalcum (hunt Atlas, Gorgimera, Svarog, or Behemoth King Notorious Marks to get this drop) 
  • 2x Darksteel (hunt either the Prince of Death or Thanatos Notorious Marks to get this drop) 
  • Primitive Battlehorn (hunt the Gobermouch Notorious Mark to get this drop) 

5. Fallen Enforcer 

Version Damage 
Fallen Enforcer 390 
Fallen Enforcer (Reforged) 650 

Regarding the Final Fantasy 16 DLC, both Echoes of the Fallen and The Rising Tide have four of the ten best Final Fantasy 16 weapons. Therefore, you will get these weapons after completing the penultimate main quest, Back to Their Origins, to start the DLC. 

The Fallen Enforcer has a base damage of 390. In addition, its Reforged variant in New Game+ has 650 damage. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Fallen Enforcer? 

You get the Fallen Enforcer as a reward after defeating the first boss of the Echoes of the Fallen DLC. Therefore, you must head to The Sagespire and defeat the first boss you encounter – Sigma

4. Tidestrike 

Version Damage 
Tidestrike 400 
Tidestrike (Reforged) 675 

As you might guess by its name, the Tidestrike is one of the best Final Fantasy 16 weapons you get from The Rising Tide DLC. Moreover, it’s also the most powerful Eikonic weapon in Final Fantasy 16, which you get from the Eikon Leviathan. However, you don’t need to defeat the lost Eikon to get this weapon! 

The Tidestrike has a base damage of 400, with its Reforged variant having a damage of 675. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Tidestrike? 

You must defeat the miniboss Perykos at the start of The Rising Tide DLC to be able to craft this weapon. Therefore, here are all the crafting materials you need: 

  • Aqueous Orb (get this by defeating Perykos) 
  • 75x Wyrrite 
  • 75x Magicked Ash 

3. Ultima Weapon 

Version Damage 
Ultima Weapon 700 

The Ultima Weapon is one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16 available in the base game. As you might guess from its name, this was the ultimate weapon in Final Fantasy 16 until the release of the two DLCs. 

Interestingly, this weapon is only available in Final Fantasy mode. Therefore, you must finish the main quest once to get this weapon. Moreover, since it’s only available on New Game+, it has no Reforged variant. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Ultima Weapon? 

To get the Ultima Weapon, you must defeat the final boss of the game – Ultima. In addition, you must have the Reforged variants of two of the other beat weapons in Final Fantasy 16 – Everdark and Gotterdamerung.  

Therefore, here are the crafting requirements for the Ultima Weapon: 

  • Utterance of Creation (you automatically get this when you start Final Fantasy mode after defeating Ultima) 
  • Everdark Reforged 
  • Gotterdamerung Reforged 

2. Omega Weapon 

Version Damage 
Omega Weapon 410 
Omega Weapon (Reforged) 700 

When I first completed Final Fantasy 16 for the second time in Final Fantasy Mode, I thought nothing could top the might of the Ultima Weapon. However, both the Final Fantasy 16 DLCs proved me wrong! 

The Omega Weapon is the second-best in Final Fantasy 16. Since it was introduced in the Echoes of the Fallen DLC, you can get your hands on this weapon in the base game without starting Final Fantasy Mode! So long, Ultima Weapon! 

The Omega Weapon boasts a high damage of 410. Moreover, its Reforged version has a superb damage of 700. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Omega Weapon? 

To craft the Omega Weapon, you need these crafting materials – all of which you can get in The Sagespire during the Echoes of the Fallen DLC main quest: 

  • Fallen Enforcer 
  • Omega Nodule 
  • Living Tissue 
  • Aqueous Humour 

1. Original Sin 

Version Damage 
Original Sin 750 

Original Sin is undoubtedly the best weapon in Final Fantasy 16. Like the Ultima Weapon, you can only get this weapon in Final Fantasy mode. With 750 damage, you can decimate anything and everything in your path with this sinful blade. 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Original Sin? 

Original Sin is the last weapon you can craft in Final Fantasy 16. However, by the time you craft this weapon, you will have finished this game twice, along with both DLCs. Therefore, there’s no reason to craft this weapon unless you wish to brag about having the strongest weapon in Final Fantasy 16

Here’s what you need to craft Original Sin: 

  • Ultima Weapon 
  • Tidestrike Reforged 
  • Opportunity (you get this by completing all twenty Kairos Gate challenges in Final Fantasy Mode) 
  • Flawless Water Shard (Defeat the final boss of The Rising Tide DLC – Leviathan) 

Bonus: Tonberry Knife 

Upgrade Damage Break Damage 
Tonberry Knife 350 700 
Tonberry Knife (+1) 500 1,000 

All the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16 do the same additional Break damage to enemies after staggering them. Therefore, staggering enemies lets you deal double damage on subsequent attacks!  

This is why the uber-popular Tonberry Knife finally makes its cameo appearance in this list of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16. While this dagger doesn’t have high damage (only falling below the Ultima Weapon), its break damage is the highest in this game! 

The standard version of this knife deals 350 damage, with a +700 break damage boost. Therefore, unlike other weapons, this knife deals triple damage to enemies after staggering them! 

In addition, its +1 upgrade deals 500 base damage and 1,000 break damage. Therefore, you will total 1,500 damage to staggered enemies – making it the most powerful weapon in Final Fantasy 16 (only while enemies are staggered)! 

How To Get Final Fantasy 16 Tonberry Knife? 

You will get to craft this legendary dagger after defeating the Master Tonberry miniboss. Therefore, you fight him during The Aire of Hours main quest, which is a part of The Rising Tide’s main quest line. 

Moreover, you can easily make this your primary weapon in the first playthrough of this game since you can craft this without playing in Final Fantasy Mode. Therefore, this makes it one of the best weapons in Final Fantasy 16 you can craft during your initial playthrough! 

Here are all the crafting ingredients you need: 

  • 1x Notched Tang (you get this after defeating the Tonberry King during the Reign of Pain side quest) 
  • 1x Aqueous Membrane (you get this after defeating Thalaos during the Lost in the Woods side quest) 
  • 2x Orichalcum (you get this from several Notorious Mark hunts) 
  • 2x Fool’s Gold (you get this by defeating the Master Tonberry miniboss) 

Conclusion: With Great Weapons, Comes Greater Damage Numbers 

Now that you know the ten (+1) best weapons in Final Fantasy 16, it’s time to go on your Eikon-hunting journey and fulfill your family’s prophecy! 

Thanks for reading this post! If you have any questions, please comment below!


Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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