Keeping track of your finances and managing it effectively is more important than ever. Fortunately, with the level of technological advancements, there are many good ways to keep on top of your money. The best and easiest way to manage your money is to rely on a good personal finance app that you can download to your smartphone and have right at your fingertips whenever you need it. These are the best money-related apps in the app stores. Always keep in mind that there are some things that money can’t buy, but for all your money management needs, these are our all time favorites:
Mint is probably the most popular and best-known finance app available. It is also one of the oldest and most reliable and includes a good variety of features that allow you to keep track of all your money accounts in one convenient location. Check your ATM transactions and balances on your checking and savings accounts, view and pay your bills and create a personal budget for your spending. You can also enjoy access to your free credit score and receive alerts for those times when you are going over your personal budget or when a bill payment is due. You can even save all of your receipts simply by snapping photos of them.
YNAB, also known as You Need a Budget, is one of the best money management apps for budgeting. However, it stands out from the usual apps because it allows you to create your budget based on your income and gives each dollar a specific job within your budgets, such as savings, investments, debt and living expenses. YNAB allows you to reach your financial goals and better manage your money by budgeting.
Acorns is perhaps the best finance app for simply saving your money. It’s easy to use and simply rounds up each purchase with a credit or debit card you have connected to the app to the next highest dollar. From there, the money is invested in a low-cost exchange traded fund portfolio that you choose based on your risk preferences. In a nutshell, Acorns allows your money to work for you as it accrues over time as an investment.
Simple is a great finance app that does more than simply budget your money. It essentially replaces your checking account as a full bank account and includes many great budgeting features. This helps you to more effectively manage your money because you can browse both your bank account and budget in one convenient spot right at your fingertips. The app tracks both your spending and income and encourages you to save. It also informs you whether you of how you’re doing regarding your money goals.
PocketGuard is a good finance app to help prevent you to spend too much of your money. It can be linked to all of your money accounts so that you can track your spending throughout the month and compare it to your monthly budget. It is easy to set up and can track all of your expenses and savings, as well as your income and bills. There is also a nifty feature that allows you to track each of your bills individually and learn about ways you can save money.
All of these are great finance apps that help you to manage your money. You can try a few of them or test each one out to determine which is the best to suit your needs.
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