Every day new statistics are released about the continuing climb in popularity Instagram is seeing, but one of the statistics that sticks out most is that 32% of all global users are estimated to have an income that exceeds $49,000 per year.
This means they have a large amount of disposable income and they are ready to spend it. So how do you tap into this market? Instagram’s user base is estimated to be 1 billion globally, with 32% of them having this earning potential and disposable income, it is a rich resource ready to be tapped, but how do you go about this?
The Buzzword: Organic Growth:
Organic Growth seems to be the buzz word around marketing at the moment, it means that you let your content be seen for what it is and openly engage with other users to create a buzz around your profile. They will like it, which will help more people see it, who will also like it and the circle continues. But how do you get to this point? This is where Magic Social comes in, they are a group of social media management experts who are ready to help you grow your account through active engagement.
Magic Social Review:
Bumped offers an exceptionally targeted approach, they cover demographics who are interested in food, health, lifestyle, music, photography just to name a few. You can select you’re demographic based on a variety of indicators such as age, gender, and interests and then even whittle it down further and target specific locations. They manage your account from beginning to end, with you only having to generate the content.
How Can Magic Social Help You?
Whilst everyone is talking about organic growth is the best strategy, very few people acknowledge the time it can take to build an organic following. This is why Magic Social is a good platform for businesses that either don’t have the time or don’t have the expertise in house.
Navigating Instagram for maximum exposure for your business’s product or service can be difficult and engaging people can be a long process. Magic social take all the stress away and does this for you, all you need to do is upload content, reply to comments and direct messages.
Their experts take over the full management of your account and you will be to see results within days. The key to this strategy is that people engage with real people and buy from people that they like.
Magic Social engage with real and active Instagram users, which is the foundation of a solid and loyal following.
Magic Social and Transparency:
It can be a daunting prospect handing over social media accounts to people that you don’t know or have never met. You can take solace in the fact that Magic socials are all professionals and absolute experts in what they do. If you are ever unsure about any activity they are doing on your account, you can speak directly to your account manager who will not only explain the activity on your account but will also generate a report highlighting who they have engaged with, why they have chosen these particular people and how they have done it. Transparency is the key to how Magic Social operate and it makes the entire process safe and honest, it also means that you are getting meaningful interactions on Instagram.
Terms of Use:
Instagram can be a stickler for their terms of service, Magic Social do nothing to counteract these and we had none of our activity stopped or blocked, which is always a sign of honest, professional service.
Final Thoughts:
Time is always a factor when you are marketing yourself on Instagram, consumers have limited retention when it comes to products and service especially when they are scrolling through their feed.
That is why engagement with your audience is key as it makes them remember you, but this takes time.
By using Magic Socials professional and comprehensive service, not only will you free up time that you can spend elsewhere in your business, you can sit back and watch your profile steadily grow and concentrate on putting out the best content possible.
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