For so many years, the legendary shards have been one of the primary resources in the Destiny 2 game. Players can earn through multiple activities. When dealing with Xur, this has been the go-to currency. Bungie will begin by eliminating the legendary shards, and at the time passing, The Final Shape expansion will arrive in the year 2024, in February.
Bungie has declared that the legendary shards have been an unstable part of the Destiny 2 economy, and by eliminating them, the game will be easier to understand for new players. The game also reduces the bloat of currencies, items, and other consumables. All legendary shards just cost from the monument of lost lights.
Legendary shard costs will be entirely removed. After All, this game focuses on adept weapons, which still will require seven wins in Trials Passages. All the left legendary shard sources and other costs from the game will also be gone entirely. Bungie will also not be offering a currency exchange, but at the same time, this game will not be raising Glimmer prices for adding replacement costs so that it previously needed to the legendary shards.
Players have already acknowledged that those legendary shards are unstable parts of the Destiny 2 game. Some players struggle to earn with the systems requiring shards per cost. Sometimes, it often made it hard to find the legendary shards costs, which would be impactful to players. While others required the legendary shards, which could be enjoyed by every player no matter how much they played. Legendary Shards would completely go by the time of the Final Shape release.
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