What were you to do if suddenly you were drinking coffee from coffee dorks out in your backyard’s patio and all of a sudden you experienced a severe aching sensation in your teeth? You have nothing in your house to treat this dilemma and are left with no other choice but to call your doctor for help as they have the ideal health appliance for the problem.
Health appliances are becoming essential market items because they can help doctors and patients alike. These health devices are also attracting the attention of the press. A good reason is that these devices are changing the way you see medical care and making science fiction become a fact of reality.
Six Health Devices to Make Life Easier:
1. Glo Science Brilliant
This is one of the teeth whitening devices that uses one-of-a-kind technology in its class, whose name is GLO (Guided Light Optic), the same that professionally combines heat and light. This system has a specially formulated dental feeder to accelerate the whitening process, as well as prevent the leakage of oxygen bleach and promote the elimination of stains.
The mere fact of having a smile where the whiteness of your teeth is shown sets you apart from the rest. Nowadays we can all have white teeth without the need to go to the dentist to receive a teeth whitening treatment, thanks to the appearance of multiple teeth whitening devices.
2. Mc10BioStampRC
A company dedicated to the manufacture of medical devices has invented a new tool that can transform what we know of the human body, starting from the skin reaching the bones, which will be the beginning of a new era of biomedical equipment.
The Mc10 BioStampRC device is already on sale in the United States, having as characteristics that it is waterproof and comes with very sophisticated sensors (the best to date), which is why it allows you to access vital signs in real-time of the person and his activity without any problem.
For now, this device is only available for the “Research Community,” however, this company expects its device, very soon on sale in the market of portable devices. According to Dr. Alvaro Pascual dean of Harvard University, having the ability to know your vital signs with the precision that this device allows you, without the need to go to a hospital is a technological breakthrough.
3. X-ray apparatus
The X-ray machines work thanks to electromagnetic radiation that is entirely invisible to the human eye, but which can cross the human body and print them on photographic film. Currently, there are digitized systems that allow us to obtain and visualize the radiographic image directly on a computer without the need to have to print it.
4. Economic hearing aids
Hearing aids are hearing instruments that help people with deafness problems improve their quality of life by helping to improve their hearing levels. These devices have been implemented in the market to meet the needs of people with some type of hearing problems, since according to WHO around 360 million people suffer from some deafness, and the current production of hearing aids is only satisfied 10% of the world’s needs, so it’s a pressing need that needs to be met.
The company YUCA TEC® is one of the largest distributors of hearing products at affordable prices. With devices ranging from $ 23 to some that are worth $ 177, but despite its low costs, this company is committed to providing products of excellent quality. Another company that offers top-quality hearing aids at affordable prices is Blue Angels Hearing.
5. Running band
This device helps eliminate between 600 and 1200 calories per hour. Running down a slope (tipping the band) is one of the best ways to burn calories and speed up your metabolism. There are many different kinds of running bands available in the market.
6. Electrotherapy devices
The electrotherapy devices are responsible for the stimulation in the sensory endings of our body, which are transmitted through the muscles of the skin; this therapy is usually carried out by a professional.
This equipment works by sending electronic pulses to the muscles that need treatment; this causes the muscle to exercise passively. This cycle of stimulation, contraction, and relaxation that is created by electrotherapy devices loosens muscle fibers, increases blood circulation and stimulates muscle growth.
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