Tim Cook Announces Apple Working On Generative AI: Features Might Be Available By 2024

In an event held on November 2nd, Apple released its financial result for Q4, where Tim Cook said that the company is working on generative AI in responding to a question regarding Apple’s efforts in the domain of AI.

In an answer, Cook also highlighted that the features in Apple devices already are based on AI technology and also the feature called machine learning, including Crash detection, ECG, Personal Voice, and so many more.

Tim Cook also said, “In terms of generative AI we have work going on. I’m not going to get into details about what it is, because as you know, we really don’t do that. But you can bet that we’re investing. We’re investing quite a bit. We’re going to do it responsibly, and it will…” He further said, “you will see product advancements over time where those technologies are at the heart of them.”

The features that Cook called are not necessarily considered AI by consumers, which might be by the design. Tim Cook also suggested that Apple doesn’t label any parts as necessary as “AI.”

Personal Voice is an accessibility feature that developers designed in terms of creating an automated voice that sounds like you. By using machine learning technologies, the audio has already been processed on their iPhone, Mac, or iPad, which allows them to create the Voice that sounds like them.

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Subham Saha

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      Subham Saha
      Tech Trends Pro