New year, new you right? If you’re like most people, you’re looking for new ways to live a better more comfortable life with the turn of the new year.
Maybe that means getting into a gym to lose that post-holiday weight, or maybe it could mean trying to do things that make your life a little easier, and more comfortable every day.
Often times we are stuck at a desk for a good portion of our days, and bad habits allow us to slip into bad posture, and in turn we are aching by the end of the day.
With an ergonomic cushion for your desk chair, you can eliminate some of that pain and work in a more comfortable and pain free environment. Read on to find out a few of the best reasons to start your working year off on the right foot with an office ergonomic cushion.
Memory Foam Corrects Posture
We’re sure you’ve heard of memory foam before as it is widely used in many items that we spend a lot of our time on such as mattresses and pillows.
The same way that these products correct sleeping posture and improve your discomfort from sleeping in a certain position all night, memory foam seat cushions can improve your posture and alleviate the pain caused by spending long periods sitting.
Memory foam has an uncanny way of molding to your body and fitting the curves of your body that allow you to feel like you are on a cloud. There are no pressure points on the body, which is a large contributor to discomfort over the course of a day.
In addition to moldable comfort, they also do not fall victim to wearing out or being “broken in”. Memory foam will bounce back to its original shape as soon as you get up, giving you years of use without having to replace it.
Orthopedist Recommended Shape and Design
Who better to talk to when designing a seat cushion than an orthopedist? Ergonomic seat cushions are designed with recommendations from orthopedists to fit exactly the way that best promotes longevity and comfort for all of your major joints that are affected when seated.
An ergonomic seat pad will take pressure off of your tail bone, hips, and back, allowing you sit for a long time without having pain in this region.
It will be curved to fit your contours, making the cushion mold to your body effortlessly. This will help you sit longer and be more productive throughout the day. Something that everyone from your boss to your schedule will enjoy.
Sitting on an Uncomfortable Old Chair Isn’t Fun
Whether you’re commuting to the office or are one of the millions now working from home, there is nothing that will make you dread going in for work on Monday like a worn-out, uncomfortable old chair. An old chair can make your back hurt, causing you immense discomfort during work hours and into the evening. Of course, looking into natural remedies such as Kratom (which is safer to buy online) for pain relief is a smart move, however, buying a new chair will completely rid you of any aches!
Spending a boat load of cash on a brand-new executive office chair isn’t really all that practical or appealing either.
Simply sprucing up the comfort with an ergonomic chair cushion could be all you need to gid of your desk anxiety every day. It’s an affordable option that is often more comfortable and better than those bulky chairs anyway.
They’re Not Just for the Office
While you might think that they’re only a good option for desk jockeys, you might be surprised to find out that they also are great options for those that spend their days behind the steering wheel of a vehicle.
Delivery drivers, over the road truckers, and traveling salesman all experience discomfort from riding in a car all day for the same exact reason those at a desk do—poor posture. An ergonomic seat cushion can easily fit in any standard vehicle or truck seat.
You should enjoy your windshield time, not spend the whole time wriggling around to find out how you can stop your back from hurting. Give a seat cushion a try and see if it helps, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed.
Final Arguments
Let this be the year that you finally stop coming home every day with a sore back or hips. Don’t let sitting all day in your chair lock you to the couch when you get home.
Ergonomic seat cushions can be the product that puts some spring back in your step at the end of the day. You’ll feel much more inclined to do some of the things you love most with your free time when you’re pain free.
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