5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using A VPN Service

Saving your personal identity on the internet is not something that only techies and nerds are good at. With the emergence of VPN or Virtual Private Networks, everyone, including you and me can hide our personal identities by protecting the IP of our systems.

Did you know that 19th August is celebrated at International VPN Day? with cybersecurity issues, attacks, and problems becoming mainstream, using a VPN helps offer online protection. In this article, we are going to identify five common mistakes to avoid when using a VPN service.

However, before we get to the list of mistakes, let us look to define what is a VPN service and what are some common benefits of using one. If you are on the lookout for a service like this but do not want to pay the upfront amount, you can always go for a vpn free trial.

Virtual Private Network (VPN): Meaning and Definition

Virtual Private Network (VPN): Meaning and Definition

If you are traveling to China and want to catch an episode on Netflix before you go to sleep, you won’t be able to do that!

This is because every country in the world has brought into force certain regulations regarding what you can and cannot access on the internet. The ISP blocks the IPs and this prevents you from accessing Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, etc. in China.

When you use a VPN, you are able to use the servers of some other country and bounce the connection on servers where accessing Netflix is legal and permitted!

Protecting your IP allows you to keep your connection and privacy safe. This means that if you want to hide your online activity from hackers and cybercriminals, then you might find using a VPN to be a safe option.

In this day and age of data mining, geo-blocking, cookies, IP tracking, and more, using a VPN can help you protect your online privacy from anti-social elements on the web.

List of 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Using a VPN Service

List of 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Using a VPN Service

1. Not researching the VPN provider-

When it comes to VPN providers, there are tons of options that can make anyone feel overwhelmed. Make sure that you are going with experienced and reliable companies like Surf Shark that have been in the industry for a long time. This will help you get access to more servers, improved speed, and great 24×7 support.

2. Ignoring the kill switch on the VPN-

The purpose of a VPN is to protect your online and internet activity 24×7. This means that you should be mindful of always connecting to the internet via the VPN. If for some reason, your VPN drops off, you need to immediately get the ‘Kill Switch’ before your Wi-Fi immediately connects you to the net without any safety net.

3. Thinking that VPN can help you with everything-

You need to understand that even though you might have the VPN on, there are several tracking mechanisms that can still monitor your online activity. Think about things like Cookies, Saved Passwords, and most importantly, social media platforms. In fact, whenever you are logging in, you are giving away your identity! This is why many say that the VPN is not a silver bullet.

4. Falling for the free service trap from non-reputed VPN providers-

There are many brands and providers in the industry that are aggressively marketing Free VPNs. This is a trap that consumers should not fall into. You are going to get poor and substandard services, with no control or security. There have been many reported instances of conning customers and stealing their data. A better idea is to always go for paid plans for VPN.

5. Taking VPN services from providers that offer no support-

There are going to be times when something will be wrong with your VPN. In such instances, you should be able to get in touch with customer support or service and rectify the issue immediately. However, this can only happen if you are using the services of a credible provider. If you are, you will get assistance through emails. WhatsApp and even phone calls!

The Final Word

Using a VPN is easier than ever. Most work out of the box and that is a good thing if you are not too proficient technically. By following the five mistakes mentioned in the article, you will be able to choose a VPN service provider that will provide security with the best support. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, please let us know in the comments below.

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Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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      Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

      Tech Trends Pro