The 3 Use Cases For Automated License Plate Reader Software

As the Internet of Things has made some big advances over the years, various application uses have expanded. Among them is the use of Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR).

This technology has numerous benefits and many use cases that organizations are taking advantage of. Whether it is a local municipality or a private enterprise, there are a lot of advantages to be had from implementing this technology.

These systems use cameras to capture license plates and software to process the data and identify potential matches in a database. This allows organizations to monitor things like parking lots, find stolen vehicles, and so much more.

Here Are The Best Three Use Cases For Automated License Plate Reader Software

This ALPR guide will cover some of the most common use cases so you can understand if your organization should implement this technology.

1 – Catch illegal dumping

People skirting the taxes for waste removal are a significant problem for some towns. The clean-up cost when illegal dumping is discovered is high. At a time when many municipalities are tightening their budgets and don’t have extra for things that benefit the locals, having to pay to clean up these messes is a considerable disadvantage.

ALPR can be a major boon to towns with this problem as it can identify the culprits and resolve the situation. The costs can be passed on to them through fines or lawsuits. There is also a chilling effect that will prevent others from doing the same.

A town or city can publish these people’s names and make the consequences known. Over time, the problem will get resolved and save the town money.

2 – Finding stolen vehicles

For as long as there have been cars, they have been stolen by wily thieves. To recover a stolen car used to mean waiting for it to be abandoned, which would draw attention to it since it was impossible for police to scan the license plates of every car on the road.

With ALPR, there can be scans happening everywhere such as at traffic lights. This expands the area where the cars can be located. Once the alert is sent that the plate has been scanned, police can go directly to the area where the car was spotted by the scanner. This makes recovery far more likely to happen within minutes or hours after the theft. 

3 – Preventing toll evasion

Toll evasion is a problem many cities and states face that rely on tolls to fund infrastructure projects and maintain highways and bridges. Many toll roads use fast passes that allow people to drive through quickly without stopping. Many drivers will go through these lanes even without a transmitter so they can avoid paying.

ALPR will scan every plate that goes through the lane and automatically determine if they have evaded the toll. They can then send the fine directly to the perpetrator. In some cases, the license plate can be scanned by other scanners and alert the police to the car’s location for further investigation into toll evasion.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

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      Arnab Dey

      Arnab Dey

      Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

      Tech Trends Pro