How To Design An SEO Friendly Website?

When someone builds a website, the goal is to find the best possible way to boost the same site to get more and more visitors. There are some amazing SEO tools that one might use to generate a website that is both user-friendly and informative. Continue reading this article to find out how to build a website that attracts regular visitors by capitalizing on their attention span, and turning them into potential customers.

1. Design and Page Layout:

Create a website that is attractive to look at when people visit your site. The first thing they are going to notice is the font and the color-combination of a website, and if they do not like what they see, they will soon leave the website for another more attractively designed site.

According to Missoula website design experts, your site is all about representing who you are as a brand. The first glance itself should be enough to let potential customers know about your business niche. Layout is important since it plays a role in giving directions or guiding web traffic from one section to another or from one page to another one.

  • Google has gotten smart over the years to track the bounce rate of each side. If people visit a site and leave soon after without getting their desired content, the bounce rate would be higher than usual. Google algorithm may therefore Blacklist your site as it does to websites with higher bounce rates.
  • Use bigger fonts as it excites people to read more of any content posted on the site. Avoid using a background color that makes it harder to read the texts. Hire a graphics designer who has prior knowledge about his work to help you create a visually appealing website.

2. Keyword Selection:

One of the main factors of SEO optimization is to select the right keyword for your article. People may type in the Google search bar certain keywords to find a service or a product. If you use the correct keyword, they are going to find your website easily. It is all about researching the keywords for a considerable amount of time. If you do not have detailed knowledge about choosing the right keyword, it is always better to rely on trusted SEO services.

  • Do not just settle for any random words that you think, might sound catchy. Instead, conduct market research to find words that are in vogue. A recent trend shows that people use the ‘for me’ phrase with every search they make. Instead of searching for the best shoes, they are searching for the best shoes for me. The Google search has gotten very personal over the years, and people want everything tailored to their specific requirements.
  • Don’t overuse a single keyword in the same article; otherwise, your article will be spammed. Google has updated its algorithm to block articles with keywords or anchors words used over and over again. The algorithm wants to provide a pleasant experience to the people and help them find original and engaging content.

3. Mobility of the Site:

The Google algorithm focuses on the user’s first experience. This user-first experience demands the site to be accessed freely on different devices without much hassle. If you own a website, one of the first things you need to make sure of is that the site is both accessible by mobile and in the desktop version. Recent data prove a considerable percentage of the general population visits the website from their mobile devices only.

You are presented with a set of Google Analytics tools, to monitor and enhance the performance of your website. Use these devices to your advantage, and provide the visitors with a smooth experience, which in turn will allow you a higher rank on the Google search bar.

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