How To Hire Top Freelancers In Web Development?

The market of web development is busy like never before. The pandemic restrictions have changed usual ways of communication between employers and employees, but the demand for highly skilled professionals remained.

The modern market spoiled consumers with a wide variety of choices. Usually, a customer evaluates the page for less than a second and then leaves. However, any business that aims to be successful needs a standing-out, unique web page, and web development professionals may help create one.

But where to start? What specialists to hire? Where to hire freelancers? This guide answers these questions and gives additional tips on how to hire the best professionals in the field.

Why Does a Business Need to Hire a Freelance Web Developer?

Web Developer

The modern market offers numerous solutions for creating personal websites. People without coding or design knowledge can make a functional website and profit from it.

However, too many DIY websites turn off customers and clients as soon as they see a standard layout. Professional web developers can create a memorable brand and support it with unique, complex technical solutions.

The best way to find the right freelancers is to use ATS bots. Applicant tracking systems are specialized software that helps find people with the right qualifications quickly.

Professional resume writing services, help job seekers to optimize their resumes and hiring managers make the proper settings for the ATS software. Yet, what professionals should have the necessary skills?

Types of Web Developers

Types of Web Developers

There are three major groups of specialists related to web development:

  • Front-end developers.
  • Back-end developers
  • Full-stack developers.

There are other specialties, such as web designers, managers, and UX designers, but the three from the list are the backbone of web development.

Critical skills of front-end developers relate to the outside look of a website. While designers create aesthetics, front-end developers make sure that it works correctly. Besides, front-end developers contribute to the user experience: buttons, layouts, and overall website navigation are up to them.

Back-end developers create the website logic behind the curtains. Such essential functions as the marketplace, the customer’s cart, and communication with the support team are up to back-end developers.

Yet, hiring two different professionals for these tasks may be out of budget. In that case, a full-stack developer is a perfect choice. It will help to save time and money for the project.

A full-stack developer is proficient in front-end and back-end web development, and payment is medium across the specialties. Yet, full-stack developers are jack-of-all-trades and do not excel in any field. These specialists can provide you with everything your project requires, but they will be limited in capabilities.

Which specialist to hire depends on the project’s scope, budget, and deadline. When all of these factors are set, it would be wise to check the skills of a particular freelancer.

Essential Skills for Freelance Web Developers

Freelance Web Developers

The vital skills for web developers are programming languages, scripting, and API knowledge. Top hard skills for web developers:

  • NodeJS
  • Django
  • PHP
  • Python
  • JavaScript.

Besides, freelance web developers should have relevant soft skills. These are:

  • Creative thinking.
  • Adaptability.
  • Teamwork.
  • High emotional intelligence.

A combination of these qualities will provide hiring managers with the necessary specialists. With a clear image of what kind of web developer the project requires, hiring firms should look into specialized platforms where the best web developers look for jobs.

Platforms to Find the Best Web Developers

 Best Web Developers

Hiring a freelance web developer has its pros and cons. As for the advantages, freelance web developers require less money than ones from a firm, they can adapt to any project requirements, and their working schedule is highly flexible.

On the contrary, the management issues are entirely on a сlient, and the stated qualification may be a scam. The following platforms provide options that emphasize the advantages and minimize the risks of hiring a freelancer.


Upwork is one of the most popular platforms that unite business owners and freelancers. In addition, hiring managers may find web developers and specialists of any kind for digital products.

Comfortable and intuitive tools for candidate filtering are one of Upwork’s most significant benefits. In addition, an employer can settle the project’s scope, divide it into milestones, and set the price. As a result, Upwork fits small-scale projects perfectly, and a hiring manager can set the budget even for ten dollars.

Besides, the platform has a handy rating system. Hiring managers can see clear feedback on freelancers’ previous projects and evaluate their proficiency firsthand. Similarly, the venue features the “Top rated” system. This system will be helpful if business owners look for the best professionals for the task.


Toptal is a more specialized, niche platform. The strict screening policy for applicants makes Toptal one of the most demanding platforms to apply for job seekers. On the other hand, employers will find the best freelance professionals.

Toptal offers the following positions:

  • Web developers
  • Designers
  • Project managers
  • Mobile app developers.
  • Accountants.

Whether employers look for a single professional or want to assemble a team, Toptal will be a great place to look for talents.


Fiverr is another general platform for freelancers. On this platform, job seekers place their talents and accomplishments on the survey, and the hiring managers pick the most fitting candidate.

As for the pricing, the platform suggests three packages: basic, standard, and premium. Each option provides a different amount and quality of work.

There could be underqualified freelancers on the platform as well. Therefore, it would be wise to check the FiverrPro program, which features only the most skilled freelancers on the forum. 

Bottom Line

Hiring a freelance web developer may be a confusing task. Yet, with the right criteria set, employers may find just the specialists they need. The most popular specializations for web developers are front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. Each of the specializations is responsible for a particular part of web development.

The most critical skills for freelancers are programming languages, design, and scripting. ATS bots will help find suitable candidates on the freelance marketplaces. Platforms like Upwork, Toptal, and Fiverr are perfect places to find the right freelancers.




Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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      Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

      Tech Trends Pro