Being blind is truly difficult to imagine. For those of us with perfect eyesight, seeing has become an everyday affair. Although one cannot feel complete empathy towards visual impairment, the needed action is being taken to make things a little easier for such people. You can use innovative gadgets that can help you achieve your objectives in the right direction. A lot of work and extensive technological research have been done to create innovative cool tech gadgets to help the blind. Let us look at ten such technologies that are designed especially for them!
Best innovative gadgets for Blind people
1. The B-Touch Phone
Imagine helping the blind by having a phone that has been specially innovated to suit their needs? Zhenwei did exactly that. They invented the phone by the name of the B-touch Mobile Phone. This device allows a blind person to easily complete every task like speaking over the phone, responding to messages, and engaging in social media. As a whole, all this isn’t that easy with regular smartphones.
2. Smart Glasses
Assisted Smart Glasses basically allows an individual with little sight to ease out in everyday situations. These include recognizing obstacles or roaming around unknown places. For instance, these glasses can sense the nearby objects and redirect data to the blind person wearing smart glasses. Thus, the glasses help the majority of people out there that still have some sight left. It truly is a revolutionary innovation to assist the visually disabled.
3. The Braille Rubix Cub
This is probably the best unique innovation on the list. The braille installed Rubix cube is amazing because it poses an opportunity to provide a better vision to both those who have good sight and those who do not. How? It may take time to feel the spaces in each square rather than visually seeing the colors instead. Plus, it has a really modern and futuristic feel to it!
4. Braille Ebook Device
Sure, the idea of braille came up hundreds of years ago. However, it has been recently taken to the next level. We want to tell you about the Braille Ebook reader. Think of it more like the Kindle device but for the blind. A reader with a waxy surface is easier to feel and makes it better for reading purposes. For more details on such innovative and futuristic devices, head on to Human Paragon.
5. A Convenient Mug
The visually impaired often have a fear of pouring too much into a cup. In fact, sighted people themselves face this problem. Just imagine a mug so convenient that you would know exactly when it is full. The Braun Bell Concept mug makes things much safer for blind individuals. This is done by hearing a beep that rings whenever the water reaches each sensor placed on the mug. For instance, if you are holding a cup and filling the cup with water, at every level it will inform you of the level of the water by a beep. As a result, you can stop whenever you think it is enough for you. This can help you not to spill off the water.
6. The FingerReader
This is a quirky invention that will help the visually impaired who love to read. This Finger reader device comes in the form of a quite heavy yet sleek ring. It would be worn on the reader’s index finger and would detect text on the 12-word radius. Not only that, but the device interprets and reads the detected text aloud. The FingerReader also has a sensor that helps alert the reader if they move away from the words.
7. The Eye Stick
you can call these new gadgets the walking stick that sees. These innovative gadgets have a nature to act like a guide-dog; this stick device uses sonic vibrations to guide the individual. The eye stick physically appears to be like a regular walking stick but is technically more advanced. This is because it actually helps blind people be familiar with their surroundings. This gadget is most useful in stairways and steep ground scenarios.
8. The ARIANNA App
Standing for path Recognition for Indoor assisted navigation with Augmented perception, the ARIANNA app is another specialized technology for blind people. Although there are many existing apps in the market, this one is unique and is considered an innovative gadget for the blind. ARIANNA uses an audio interface to communicate where exactly the person is going. Think of it as an easier way for the blind to use GPS.
9. ‘Feel The Time’ Watch
Yes, you guessed it, it is a braille watch. Feel The Time is an exclusive watch designed especially for impaired needs. It consists of two discs placed in the watch that have two nubs. The larger nub stands for the hour, whereas the smaller for minutes. In addition, The design of the watch is so simple yet classic and is useful. one can consider these cool gadgets as very valuable and useful to them.
10. Braille Polaroid Camera
Unlike sighted people, the blind are unable to store and keep memories in the form of photographs. With this, we introduce the Braille Polaroid Camera. This is one of the innovative gadgets that instantly print and translate braille to print the basic form of an object or person. This way, a blind person will be able to keep memories just like everyone else!
There are certain other innovative gadgets too that can help blind people to see properly even after their impaired vision like:-
- Microsoft has designed an intelligent camera app for helping those people who have impaired vision can make things easier for them. It can help you locate the currency notes and other essential items while you need them daily. It can also help you locate people’s faces based on age, emotion, and characteristics.
- British Firm and Bristol Brailey Technology plan to launch the e-reader for blind people while you will have the reading experience in your spare time. In addition, it can help blind people to watch the hefty print volume while lugging around. Canute 360 is the original name of this gadget.
- The application of the Bluetooth Micro USB ports and the optical camera are some of the innovative gadgets that can help you achieve your objectives correctly. But, of course, you have to make your choices in the right way to achieve your goals correctly.
- Smart glasses can also become an easy device to help people with impaired vision develop their business correctly.
For blind people, these mentioned gadgets are very useful. As normal beings having perfect eyesight, we can not imagine what blind people have to face daily. Even a normal task such as walking requires full concentration. A single mistake can cost your life.
Thank god, there are scientific gadgets that specialize in supporting visually challenged people. Out of all, I only knew about the eye stick, but while writing this article, I felt amazed by all sorts of information and innovative gadgets used by blind people.
I have gone through research to obtain this information. I hope that this information was helpful to you all. For further queries, feel free to drop down your question in the comment section.
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