Every company needs an electrical safety program. Its task is to preserve people’s health and lives, protect the company from emergencies, and minimize financial costs, including fines. The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are safety requirements for special equipment, safety-related work practices, and maintenance requirements. Try these methods to improve your electrical safety awareness program.
Details About Top 5 Methods To Improve Your Electrical Safety
1. Design Emergency Response Scenarios
Most emergencies follow a typical scenario. Develop instructions that describe the sequence of actions in each of the situations. For example, “In case of a short circuit, you should inform the responsible person about the emergency, press the fire alarm button in case of fire, and leave the premises along the evacuation route.”
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2. Determine The Regularity Of Checking Workplaces
Not only high-priority objects like switchboards but also common workplaces, such as the space around a computer desk, should be checked. Check if there are any damaged cords, extension cords, and plugs.
3. Implement Electrical Safety Program Requirements Training
Train your staff in the electrical safety program and create conditions in which everyone can easily and safely report breakdowns or violations.
For example: “Make sure that the cords from the computer and other devices near the workplace are hidden in special plastic boxes. If the cords are outside, notify employee X.”
4. Develop Individual Instructions
For example, if an employee deals with machines, part of their instruction may look like this: “Do not drink at the workplace. Drink water only in specially marked places, e.g., near water dispensers.”
5. Order The Electrical Contractor Safety Program
The program development requires compliance with many standards, so it should be entrusted to a qualified full-time specialist or a highly specialized company. They will design an electrical contractor safety program template, based on which the company will be able to work safely and avoid fines.
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