Fix Error: “No Toolchains Found In The NDK Toolchains Folder For ABI With Prefix: mips64el-linux-android”

If you have ever checked your Android phone very well, you already know that there are plenty of folders available. Most of them are not created by you; they are added by the system. You might not even know about the existence of these folders. Most of them are not harmful to your device or produce an error. 

However, there are some cases when the created folder or file might create many problems or errors. One of these errors is no toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android. Don’t worry; there are many different ways available to fix it. We are here to help you out and provide the most effective ways.

Different Ways To Fix “No Toolchains Found In The NDK Toolchains Folder For ABI with Prefix: mips64el-linux-android

Ways To Fix “No Toolchains Found In The NDK Toolchains Folder For ABI with Prefix mips64el-linux-android

Most people do not even know why they are not getting this error. They blindly install or uninstall the app without knowing why the issue is happening. You need to know the reasons why the “no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mipsel-linux-android” error keeps coming and fix it accordingly.

Here are some different ways given below that can help you fix the issue. Some of the most effective solutions are given below in detail. You can choose one of those fixes based on your requirements. All of them might not work for you very well; you have to choose the best one among them that works to fix the issue.

Solution – 1

It is one of the few solutions you can try to fix the issue of no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix. You need to update the android Gradle plugin to >=3.1.x if you are using NDK >= 18.

It might help you get help from the issue and fix it correctly. If it is not working well, you will need to try these other fixes. Make sure that you are following every little step of the process if you want to make it a success.

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Solution – 2

Solution - 2

One of the fixes that you can try is removing the NDK designation from “my preferences.” Here are the steps that you need to follow to do that.

Android Studio > Preferences > System Settings > Android SDK > SDK Tools > Unselect NDK > Apply Button. Cradle and Project compiled very well, and you will be able to move on with your work without any issues.

It is a very effective solution that might help you fix the issue without NDK download.

Solution – 3

Solution - 3 

If you do not want to update the gradle plugin, you can try this solution. Try downloading one of the old NDK releases such as r17c and others. Open the downloaded NDK archive, visit the toolchains directory and copy the missing toolchain folders to the toolchains folder of the currently used NDK.

You have to know which folders you are missing; I had to copy these folders mips64el-linux-android-4.9 and mipsel-linux-android-4.9. It is one of the best ways to fix the Android toolchain.

Solution – 4 

Another very effective solution that you can choose. Here are the steps given below that will help you know the details. Make sure to follow the steps very carefully.

If you want to use the NDK, update the Gradle Plugin.

The build script changes dependencies.

Classpath { ‘ 3.2.1’}

Classpath {‘}

You can simply disable the NDK if you are unaware of it. These are the steps that you can try to disable.

Select preferences > System settings > android SDK > Select The SDK Tools > Uncheck NDK there.

After rebuilding the project, it works fine for most users. However, if this one still does not fix “no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android,” here are some other fixes given below.

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Solution – 5

updating the plugin of Android Gradle

One of the preferred solutions to fix “no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android” is by updating the plugin of Android Gradle. However, if you are unable to do that for any reason, you can just create a directory instead of copying, downloading, and symlinking. Here is the directory given below that you need to create in detail.

Mkdir-p $ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android/prebuilt/linux-x86_64

$ANDROID_HOME points to the Android SDK installation root. For Windows, use windows-x86_64, and for macOS, you can use darwin-x86_64, replacing linux-x86_64.

These are the most common solutions that can help you fix the “no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android” if the error is still there, you can try some other solutions like unselecting the SDK and upgrading the version of Android Gradle plugin to 3.2+.


If you’re facing the no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android error on your device, it might be hard for you to continue with the project. However, there are a lot of fixes available that you can try to get the solution. We have tried to provide the most common and effective ones in this article among all the different ones.

Make sure to go through the solutions to find the best one that works for you. You have to follow the steps very carefully; otherwise, the issue might not be solved. If this article has helped you find the best fix and continue your work peacefully. Take some of your time to help us grow by sharing and commenting on this article.

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Sourav Ganguly

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      Sourav Ganguly
      Tech Trends Pro