In case you don’t know, the question isn’t about whether you’ll be hacked but when. When hackers’ attention shifts to you, they will shine their light on your weak and multiple passwords. All it will take for these cyber attackers is to use brute force or keylogger tools, and they will quickly gain access to your online accounts.
You may think that password managers are the solution to these cybersecurity vulnerabilities, but times without numbers, these solutions have proven to be a failure. These attackers are deploying sophisticated tools and strategies to exploit the password security loopholes.
They have advanced beyond keyloggers and phishing; they now create fake password manager login pages. Once they access your password manager, they can control all your accounts. This is why we must embrace zero passwords to achieve maximum cybersecurity.
Over the years, the cybersecurity industry has been working towards solutions that remove the need for solutions altogether. Knowing that regardless of the strength of passwords, they can either be phished or stolen, no matter the password manager technology being used. It would be best if you ignored all of the castle-in-the-air promises being made by password manager solutions, they have failed and are still failing. This is why there’s a need for new technology to solve the problem.
What Is Passwordless Authentication?
In simple terms, passwordless authentication is a means to access a digital account without a password. The need for passwordless authentication is built on passwords being a weak means of authentication. This is due to their susceptibility to be guessed, cracked, or hacked. More so, passwords are significant targets for hackers as they are often reused for multiple accounts.
With passwordless authentication, there is no need for cramming strings of characters. Instead, it deploys the best identity authentication, such as biometrics, mobile push notifications, and hardware tokens. In recent times, we’ve seen the giant strides made by Kelvin Zero and several cybersecurity firms working around passwordless authentication solutions that are resilient against all attacks without sacrificing user-friendliness.
There have also been efforts by Microsoft, Google, and Apple towards passwordless authentication. These firms are driving and pioneering standards that will eliminate the use of passwords. In the end, the estimated 579 cyberattacks per second are expected to be totally eradicated.
The Benefits Of Passwordless Authentication
Without any form of exaggeration, no matter the nature of the weakness of passwordless authentication, the benefits will always outweigh every other identity verification solution available right now. Imagine the relief on the faces of your customers if you are able to help them avoid the frustration caused by password-based logins to your websites and applications. This is why many businesses are at the forefront of dumping the use of password solutions.
Every day, businesses are evolving towards passwordless authentication, and while it may still need to yield fruits, these businesses will have themselves to thank for making the switch early enough. The following are just the basic benefits your business is able to draw out from passwordless authentication;
Avoiding Security Breaches
Most of the security breaches experienced by businesses are due to poor password management either on the end of their employees or customers. Your businesses will be exempted from the thousands of security breaches and password thefts that occur on a massive scale annually.
There’s also the angle of the frustration that occurs from forgotten passwords. There is a large number of resources that are often provided for password recovery.
Excellent User Experience
On a daily basis, end users are in search of mobile-friendly experiences. This is why they are always switching devices. However, there is always the worry that accompanies switching between devices, and the issue of passwords.
For a business that has switched to passwordless authentication, your end users are guaranteed an excellent user experience. They have fewer steps and clicks to make in order to access your platform.
Reduction In Long-Term Security Expenses
It has been proven that passwordless authentication has been able to help businesses eliminate unplanned cybersecurity expenses. According to Microsoft, there’s an 87% reduction in authentication costs. They no longer have to spend on password storage, management, and breaches.
This also translates to less time being expended by IT teams in altering password requirements and resets. The business is able to focus on the core of the business rather than worrying and troubleshooting password-related issues.
Final Thoughts
As an enterprise user wanting the best for your end users, you need to consider many criteria, the major of which is your traffic source. It would be best to balance what your customers will accept and the passwordless authentication solution that offers them the best form of protection.
In conclusion, businesses are positioned to gain from passwordless authentication. In adopting this security solution, businesses are encouraged to adopt a step-by-step approach to protect their end users’ user experience better.
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