Remote Controlling Your Dogs

How does remote controlling your furry friend sound? Enticing, right? Sure, it might look counterproductive and ridiculous, but managing your dog’s behavior without touching the animal is super fun. Plus, it allows you to raise an obedient, well-mannered pet.

One of the ways to control your pooch from a distance is by using a shock collar (some people like to call it an e-collar).

Remote Controlling Your Dogs:

But, First Things First – Is Shock Collar Training Safe?

One of the biggest misconceptions is that a shock collar will hurt or injure your canine. On the contrary, it only irritates your pet to trigger good behavior. On top of that, the level of shock wouldn’t cause mental harm to the animal.

The long and short of it is that if used sparingly, a dog collar is an excellent strategy to instill obedience.

So, When Should You Use a Shock Collar?

The best time to introduce a collar to your pooch is during its younger years. Keep in mind that it’s a little bit more challenging to train grown-up dogs. Yep. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Plus, collars come in different models and types. On that note, visit Merchdope to see which collar works for your canine best.

Industry experts recommend that you start to use collars when your pups are around eight to ten weeks old. Even then, make sure that you pick the anti-bark option. You can always shift to other types as your pet grows older.

How Do You Get the Results, Fast?

There’s more to dog shock collars than merely pressing a remote control hoping that the animal will act accordingly. You have to do it properly from the get-go to improve your canine’s behavior.

Start by Showing your Pet the Behavior You Want:

Imagine you’re a dog for a sec. You have a behavior problem, but you can’t put your finger on what’s wrong. Or, your owner wants you to learn something new, but you don’t have the slightest clue what it is. The point is – you can’t use a collar to change the way your furry friend behaves at the click of a button.

You have to work hand in hand with your dog. Consider using treats at first while commanding the animal to do what you want. The idea is to help your pet understand how to behave every time the shock vibrates.

Use Additional Support Methods:

Make no mistake about it – a shock collar is efficient. However, you’re better off training your dog with other devices simultaneously. You can, for instance, use a leash during walks. On top of that, teach your pooch spoken orders.

Let him know how to sit without using a shock collar. As stated before, a remote-controlled collar is simply a training tool, and you’re the teacher.

Frequent Correction Doesn’t Translate to Higher Learning:

The bigger, the better, so they say. But, things are a little bit different when it comes to dog collars. Start slow and increase the frequency as your animal gets used to it. The latest models come with settings that allow you to increase the intensity of vibration from one level to another as you deem fit.

Even then, you shouldn’t set a high degree of pulsation hoping that the animals learn quickly.  In fact, if you’ve shown your pet the behavior to expect with words and rewards, you should have a problem making your dog react the way you want him to.

Aim to Drop the Collar at Some Point:

Indeed a shock collar is a convenient, smart tool that every dog owner should own. However, work toward ensuring that your dog doesn’t need to use the device. As he begins to get used to the routine, try to tone things down.

Start by reducing the level of vibration by up to 50% in the first four weeks of using the collar. Also, try to remove the device one in a while to track the animal’s progress.

The Bottom Line:

Dogs are adorable. At the same time, man’s best friend can turn out to be a nuisance especially if he doesn’t know how to act. Still, teaching your furry friend how to behave isn’t as hard as you think. You only need to create time and remain consistent.

You can even hire a professional dog trainer if you don’t have the time. Ensure that you feed your animal with a balanced diet. Your pet is likely to be aggressive if he’s unhealthy. Don’t forget to take time him to checkups regularly. Oh and, invest in a high-quality cage to confine your dog when you don’t want him walking around.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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