As a business executive, you are already aware of the fact that customers are the lifeblood of your business. And this is why it is important to engage with them on a frequent basis. The problem here when it comes to engagement is that there are plenty of business organizations that even today don’t understand the importance of engagement and insist on showing up on sales pitches down the throat of their customers. Successful brands today continue to engage with their customers understanding that they want to interact with their peers learning something of value. This is something that has never been easy and thanks to technology. The following article is based on the new social media research studies, these findings will here help you strategize things better matching your customer’s behavior.
Use Social Media to Engage With Your Audiences Improving Customer Experiences:
Understanding How Social Media Works:
There is no difference. You will need to understand what social media is exactly used for, and this is going to turn out to be a bit doozy I know. Traditional marketing is still relevant, but since 2013 marketers do have the opportunity of using digital space telling customers a story about you and your business, giving them something new that will make them see your brand positively and hope fully sharing the news with others.
Check where your customers spend time:
The three-time recent research studies have shown that active internet users spend anywhere 16% to nearly 25% of their time on social networks. In ecommerce industry 2012 Digital future in focus report researchers found that 90% of all the internet users visited their social networking sites in 2011, out of which consumers are spending 1 out of 6 online minutes on social networks (16.6%), which is less than 15% at the end of 2010. And according to a research study released by the state of media: U.S Digital Consumption report Q3 – Q4 2011 the study founded that internet users spend 21.3% of their time on social networking sites. The report also shows that a small amount of time spent on internet portals like Yahoo.
Being Relevant Even When you are not:
Find out different ways that will help you align with popular culture, news, location, and channels. A local pub, for example, might not have anything to do with an annual 10k run, but a single tweet and hashtag done on twitter are offering runners with a post-race pint for showing their medal dealing with things nicely. Another example here of staying relevant is Innocent Drinks which is a popular UK Smoothie and juicy maker. The brand voice is fun and informal like you are talking to a friend. As a result during the 2016 European championship, innocent twitter was full of live commentary as they had been missing the game and they bucked the no hashtag rule on Facebook.
Creating Unique, Valuable Insights coming from you and not your competitors:
When it comes to social media remember people love exclusivity. So give your audience something that they are unable to find, helping them automatically gravitate towards you spreading a word. This only works out when you give away such insights for free. So instead of just blending with your customers by repurposing them with the same old topics, come up with your own topics that offer you some unique take away on situations. Show your audiences that you have something valuable to offer and you will see them back again and again.
Considering Videos Seriously:
Americans are watching and increasing the number of videos online. According to a research study conducted by ComScore, this number has jumped over to 100 million daily views from 43%, (which in short is the one-third of U.S Population who are watching videos online every day on regular basis. The study also showed that 43.5 billion videos were viewed by individuals in December 2011, where half of those videos were promoted on google properties (21.9 billion) especially YouTube. The way people have been watching videos these days is changing history when it comes to mobile phones, notebooks, and gaming systems. These differences are especially pronounced in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Celebrate your success publicly and addressing your mistakes directly:
Social media is a great place to communicate your wins with marketing audiences. News releases, Case studies, and client testimonials are one of the best ways of getting your content published on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Rachel Foster the b2b content marketer offers the business executives with the different ways you can use case studies, testimonials in social and content marketing, how to leverage social media in order to engage with your audiences understanding how they are feeling about you and your competitors in space. Find the best balance of social, content marketing and SEO in order to:
- Listen to their feedback, and addressing them in a public forum
- Speaking to your clients through surveys, white papers, case studies, and blogs.
- Leverage social and content media strategies in order to amplify your wins, reacting immediately to the mistakes that have occurred.
Read also: How Social Media Influences Consumer Choices
When it comes to engaging with your customers on social media, small and regular efforts are more effective than the one time blitz. This process does not have to be expensive, but if you don’t have a budget for a full-service marketing agency, then consider hiring a freelance social media account for a few hours or a week. Also, ask your team asking to spend at least 15 minutes in a day in order to respond to the comments, or coming up with ideas for future posts. Over time these results will result in loyal, engaged and social media following.
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