8 Best Crypto Exchanges in 2021

2021 is almost over, and the world is busy choosing champions and giving challengers new incentives. We’ve also selected the 8 best crypto exchanges of 2021. But first, let’s answer some questions.

Why do we need crypto exchanges?

Why do we need crypto exchanges?

Each cryptocurrency has its own background and perspectives. So, Aelf (ELF) was designed to be simple, Monero (XMR) is focused on untraceability, EverGrow COIN is the first to reward its users in USDT, and so on. And an efficient crypto portfolio implies variety.

This is exactly why you need a place to exchange BTC to POW, XMR to ELF, ELF to BTC, or whatever else to whatever you need at the moment.

Related Reads: Anonymous cryptocurrency exchange guide

How to choose the best crypto exchange?

How to choose the best crypto exchange?

When choosing leaders, we focused on the following factors:

  • Safety: The last people who had doubted its importance must have changed their minds after the Mt. Gox disaster in 2014 (850,000 Bitcoins were stolen from the exchange).
  • The number of trading currencies: The more coins an exchange supports, the more opportunities you can get there.
  • Convenience: Digital currencies have been around for over a decade, and as the general approach to UX has changed, users demand some convenient and easy-to-use solutions.
  • Cost: Trading cryptocurrencies is a matter of profit, thus fees charged by the exchange must be taken into account.

The Magnificent Eight

Now you’ll know why we have chosen these 8. So, here they go! (In alphabetical order.)


World’s largest exchange run by a global crypto powerhouse and making a focus on the user experience. The initial set of 50+ currencies (can be increased to 300), and a low rate of 0.1% for both makers and takers.


A major US exchange with over 350 currencies and a flat fee of 0.2%, complemented with $300-million crypto insurance.


Named the Best Crypto Exchange for Beginners by Forbes Advisor, it insures over 98% of all operations in 50+ currencies, and the fee is always 1,99%.


Owner of, perhaps, the biggest portfolio of 650 currencies and a unified fee of 0.2%.


Boasts a high-security level with $200 million in crypto insurance coverage and additional optional crypto-insurance for the users, however, the fee reaches 0.25% for makers and 0.35% for takers.


One of the oldest, literally time-proven, exchanges being around since 2011. Offers 50+ currencies and a rate of 0.16% for makers (0.26% for takers).


This is the only non-custodial exchange on the list.

Let’s step aside and take a little tour into what this means. Non-custodial exchange platforms don’t ask for registration and don’t use your keys to perform the exchange. In fact, they never even get access to your keys and coins. It’s secure and straightforward: you send a coin, it’s exchanged and deposited back to your wallet.

The reason for Lets Exchange to get on the list is their significant effort in ensuring hassle-free operations and over 260 cryptocurrencies (more than 65,000 crypto pairs) available for trading. They’ve managed to combine all advantages of a non-custodial exchange with intuitive user-friendly solutions and automated transactions for the benefit of the users.


This exchange is commission-free. All their assets are insured by Lloyd’s against losses, including theft. The main drawback is a small number of supported currencies.

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