Why You Should Still Keep a Cable TV Connection?

Today we live in the age of the internet, where everything we do has some kind of inclusion of the internet in it. From our work aspects to personal life, and even in entertainment activities, there is a presence of the internet.

This is because the internet has become very cost-effective and cheap which is why it has been integrated into various walks of life.

Not only that this service is incredibly easy to have, but there are also many potential benefits of the internet in different fields that have allowed it to become so deeply rooted in our modern society.

Since the internet is a flexible technology this feature allows it to integrate into many existing technologies to make them even more advanced.

Not only this, but the internet has played an active part in the creation of many new technologies and modern concepts.

The internet is so actively involved in our lives that we have transformed this current landscape into the age of the internet of things.

The internet of things concept states that the internet has manifested physical form and we see that through internet-powered devices like smart TV, smartphones, smart TVs, smart home assistants, and many other smart internet-based gadgets would be deemed useless if the different internet facility is removed from them.

Talking about devices smart TV is the latest addition out of this lot and the rise in its popularity is directly related to the rise in streaming. The entertainment industry is one such field that has reaped huge gains from the internet.

Today because of the internet the physical mediums of entertainment are almost nonexistent, being replaced by their digital counterparts.

Back in the day, there were cassettes and CDs on which music, movies, or our favorite TV shows were recorded and played whenever we liked. People had large collections of these storage mediums, this was also the case with games.

However, now everything is present on the internet in digital form and users don’t even need to download the content on their devices as they can stream everything online.

This has freed people from the shackles of buying and taking care of physical mediums as well as the devices on which these mediums were played like DVD players or VCRs.

Now you just need a smart device or a laptop with internet access and you can access a plethora of entertainment content anytime, anywhere.

Streaming and Cord Cutting

Talking about these digital entertainment mediums the most famous one out of all these is the streaming platform. Streaming platforms are online hubs of TV series and movies that allow users to watch thousands of hours of national and international content for a very low monthly subscription charge.

On the other hand, many platforms provide options for live TV watching over the internet. Although, not quite capable of completely taking over Cable TV yet, but still at the moment many people are preferring these online mediums instead of a traditional cable TV setup.

So, we recommend our readers to go with a basic cable package along with a subscription of two to three streaming services for a complete entertainment experience.

As these platforms are not mature enough to completely replace cable customers should also keep a good cable package handy, and for that do check out Suddenlink cable packages, which are hard on content and light on the pocket.

The preference of streaming services over cable TV is called cord-cutting because customers cut their cable cord and go digital with internet-based entertainment options.

This trend is on a rise and especially after the pandemic, this shift has drastically increased but the point to note here is that for most people the shift is not due to the scarcity of content on TV, but from a price point as streaming services are significantly cheaper. Today we will explain why this hastily complete shift over to streaming can be a bad idea.

Reasons to Still Keep Cable TV

Reasons to Still Keep Cable TV

Despite all the amazing features of online streaming services, there is quite a substantial merit in the capabilities of cable TV and those advantages are listed below.

1. More Channel Options

Don’t confuse this with content, no doubt that streaming services have more amount of content. But the important point to note here is that the streaming services target customers all around the globe. So the amount of content present on these platforms is not for everyone.

Yes, you might like some selected tidbits but not the whole lot. In comparison to that, cable’s channel lineup is rich and immersive according to that region, and no matter what channel you switch to there is always something to watch.

Whether it’s a classic flick, sports broadcasting, news, or cartoons TV channel lineups are made in a way to cater to the whole family and show content according to specific regions making it easier for viewers to watch.

Plus in comparison to live-TV services, traditional cable TV has far more channels which any online TV service doesn’t even come close to today.

The standard package of a cable provider is also far superior in channel lineup and content quality in comparison to the highest tier of any online TV platform.

2. Sports and News Broadcasting

Sports and News Broadcasting

Traditional streaming services only have prerecorded content like TV shows and movies for users to watch. There is no option for live screening.

However, users do get live TV support on online TV streaming services, but as we mentioned above their content lineup is very limited, especially in the case of news and sports.

Sports fans especially are quite sensitive about the games they like to watch and no online TV service has a complete lineup for every major sports channel in the USA.

Some have NBA, others have NFL, while some have MLB, and some have NHL. None of the platforms have all these channels in one package.

That is why a sports fan might have to subscribe to a couple of different services to get all the sports channels, and the same is the case with the news.

Thus a subscription to different platforms can be bad for the budget and watcher’s convenience, the two main points for which someone goes with online TV service and if these two points are not fulfilled the ultimate purpose of streaming dies. So sports and news fans should go with a content-rich cable plan.

Final Thoughts

From these above two points, it is clear that streaming can be good for certain individuals but not for a family as a whole, and especially not for sports fans since these options are quite limited content-wise in these two categories.

That is why we recommend that users should at least have a basic cable package along with streaming options for a complete entertainment experience according to the preference of all types of viewers.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

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      Arnab Dey

      Arnab Dey

      Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

      Tech Trends Pro