Corrupted video files may be a hindrance in the way of those working in the media industry. Video content production is the fastest growing trend in the marketing and communication industries. Today, video production is much cheaper compared to what it was just a couple of decades ago. Only some large and famous brands could afford to invest in professional video ads and PR clips.
The advancements in video production technology and communication channels lowered barriers for small and medium-sized businesses at which any company or individual can produce a professional-looking video clip and use it to communicate with the public.
No matter whether you have an onsite video production team, or work with a production agency if you record a lot of video content, you should be aware of unexpected issues that may damage your precious video files. In this article, we’re going to discover the most common scenarios when a video file may become unplayable, as well as how to repair corrupted video files online.
Here Is How You Can Repair Corrupted Video Files Online:
Here, we have covered a number of topics related to corrupted video files.
Types of video files we have covered in this article:
We’ll be talking about the most common video file types in the video production industry, which are: MP4, MOV, M4V, 3GP, and MXF. These all are media containers, which store video and audio content, as well as the metadata needed for video players and editing software for processing the files.
So, here we go…
Why You May Have To Deal With A Corrupted Video File?
There are quite a lot of different scenarios when your recorded footage may be corrupt and become unplayable. In this section, we’ll describe two underlying issues that may damage your video files.
1. Unfinalized recording
This is when your video file hasn’t been recorded (written) completely to a storage medium due to some glitch or an accident. Here are just a few examples:
• When shooting a video clip, a cameraman missed to stop the recording and powered off the camera. As a result, the camera failed to record metadata and build indices in the output video file.
• The same issue may happen if your camera’s battery runs low on power and the camera shuts off during the recording process.
• Another example could be when you are downloading a video file from the Internet, or an SD card and the process interrupts unexpectedly due to a glitch.
The result of the issues described above may corrupt a video file. You cannot play or open the video with any software. The file may have the right extension and size. Overall, it may look like a regular video file. But when trying to play it, your media player will, probably, throw some type of an error, such as “Couldn’t open the file…”.
The unfinalized recording is an issue that may happen to anybody. Most modern cameras, regardless of their type and price tag, are prone to this problem. So, it doesn’t matter whether you have an entry-level DSLR camera, or a professional camcorder, you should be careful when recording video to avoid the files being damaged.
But what if a disaster already had happened and you’ve got your precious video corrupted?
The good news here is that such files usually can be fixed with video repair tools, such as Restore. Media. This tiny but incredibly useful app repairs corrupted video files by reconstructing their metadata and indices. We’ll cover this in more detail later in this article.
2. Deleted Video Files
Another common issue is when you accidentally delete your valuable video files or format a memory card with the files stored on it.
Of course, there are plenty of data recovery tools that claim that they can restore your deleted files. The problem here is that video files are usually quite large in size and, hence, prone to file fragmentation. This means they are usually split into many chunks and scattered all over the storage medium.
This makes it hard for regular data recovery tools to find all the video file chunks and merge them into a final file. And this is why your recovered video file may be broken and unplayable. If this is the case, you still have the chance to repair your corrupted video files with the right video recovery tool – see the next chapter.
Repairing Corrupted Video Files Online
As we already mentioned earlier, if you have a corrupted and unplayable video file, there is a high chance to repair it thanks to the online tool – Restore. Media.
Step 1
All you have to do is to register a free account on this site and then follow the instructions. The interface is quite easy to use and contains a lot of tips, so there shouldn’t be any issues when going through the process of repairing your files. However, we’d like to draw your attention to the following few notices:
Step 2
First, be sure to select the right camera model used to record the video file. Restore. The media employs different video repair algorithms optimized for specific camera models. Selecting the right camera model will ensure the best possible results.
Step 3
You will also be asked to upload a sample video file. This is a playable (not damaged) video file recorded with the same camera and settings as the corrupted video. Restore. The media will analyze your sample file to build metadata for the broken file.
Note, that Restore. Media is an online tool, so you can use it from any device that has a web-browser, including a PC, Mac, or smartphone.
Step 4
Once your video file is fixed, you will be able to preview it before downloading the file. Make sure to watch the entire preview and check if there are any glitches or distortions in the video. If you find there is something wrong with the video, you can try repairing it with other settings. Also, please note that the preview is in low resolution and quality. You can download your repaired file in the original resolution/quality after paying for the service.
Finally, if you can’t repair video files yourself, or have any questions, you can always contact Restore. Media’s support for help. Their video engineers can review your files and repair them manually.
The Final Word:
Video production is not as expensive as it was before. But, you can’t afford to lose your precious footage due to a glitch or an accident. If a disaster happened corrupting your video file in the process, it will certainly be much easier and faster to try to repair them. There is no need for recording/editing from scratch. This is where Restore. Media comes in handy. You can use this great online tool for repairing your corrupted video files.
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