League of Legends has a dynamic and fast-paced community, reflecting on the numerous updates the game has had over its 12 years of existence.
This game has lasted a long time, and it may be because the game has had a plethora of extremely important, and influential changes that have turned the meta on its head while also reinvigorating players. In general, games with patches on this scale end up with a beta tester environment, and this is no different.
But, how do you acquire such a ticket into the up-to-date version? In general, updates here are changed constantly and the PBE userbase has a huge amount of input on how the game progresses, but how to actually get into this exclusive club can be a bit of a challenge.
So, let’s start from the beginning.
Here Are Five Useful Tricks To Get A PBE Account In League:

1. Have A Riot Games Account
Though this may seem self-explanatory (How else would you play league?), there was a time when League accounts, Riot accounts, and League PBE accounts were totally separate. This dark time for the online world of password management has passed, fortunately, but the aftershocks remain.
If you want to sign up for the PBE, you’re in luck since the accounts are linked fundamentally to the main accounts for each player.
The PBE is a space where bug reports actually really do matter, and the player base is keen on expressing their opinion. This can have its perks, faster changes to broken abilities, items, or stats, but it also means that bugs appear faster and the rules are enforced a little more loosely.
The PBE is not the wild west, but for NA players the shift from live to PBE may be a bit jarring, so keep that in mind before attempting to register to this public beta environment. It’s not for the faint of heart.
2. Don’t be Toxic
This is less self-explanatory, and often players forget that the honor system currently in-game has a real effect on how the game operates. So, if you’ve been banned from your main account, you are barred from playing in the beta environment.
This also goes for players who are below the standard level of honor. You start at rank 3, and you have to be at that or above to get a PBE account. If you want some ins and outs of how to get the honor, click here for a great guide on how this system works.
Not being banned on League of Legends is actually a fairly easy task, since a majority of the system is totally automated. But, we’ve all been guilty of getting a bit annoyed at our team, for better or for worse, so make sure to keep concurrent cases of this to a minimum to avoid the banhammer that Riot Games hovers above players at all times.
3. Verification From the Top
League of Legends has multiple stages of account verification, one of which is unnecessary and only is required to play Clash. The league tournament mode is fun, but not necessary for PBE signups.
Most LoL PBE accounts are easily connected to the main account, and simple verification that is, sometimes, 2-step depending on your account status is all that you need.
If your account is hacked or inactive for whatever reason, Riot Support may be able to help but depending on the severity of the situation a lot of support tickets may need information from you that you don’t have. Be open and honest with them, and they will likely be able to parse out the chain of events using the info they have and you don’t.
4. Technical Considerations
The PBE client is often a bit bigger than the normal live client and requires an additional install to make sure that there is no foul play afoot. You should, if you want a PBE account in earnest, be ready to redownload the league and have a separate equal level of hard drive space available for this environment.
In addition to this, changes on the technical side of the league, including bug fixes and server changes, are tested here first. If you aren’t afraid of a bit of instability during your session, you will be fine, but for those among us who want to be absolutely 100% sure that clicking “play” will result in a game, the PBE probably isn’t for you.
Toxicity is rampant on the PBE as well, but the option of just muting everyone is also very real and much less intrusive since the PBE rewards don’t transfer. It’s far from a throwaway account, but also far from a space where everything is life or death.
5. Application Time
This is kind of a misnomer for the entire process, since in essence what you are doing is simply registering for the PBE.
If you want to skip that, in addition to the normal avenues for registration, there are many services offering beginner accounts, but if you want one that your main account can log in with, you only have one option. Riot Games, despite the ire of the community, has made this process fairly easy.
You can click this link: https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/pbe for a brief rundown of how to get an account on the PBE, and the place to start. You should be warned that for other regions, the link will vary and specific methods of verification are different based on server providers, clients, etc. Good luck!
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