What Is Managed Testing? When Should You Use It?

Software testing services, including managed testing, are the best option when the testing topic is complicated and involves coordinating with multiple parties.

This requires resources and technical knowledge about how the technical requirements of each party affect each other.

Managed testing saves the team time, money, and resources when it is used right. It also helps them get high-quality results without having to hire in-house test engineers. 

Even though automating QA tasks saves time and money compared to manual testing, buying software licences and testing in-house isn’t always the best choice. This is especially true in situations like: 

  1. Lack of skills and knowledge in-house
  2. Not enough people and money
  3. Budget constraints 

Let’s see first what is managed testing service is and the appropriate definition of managed testing.

What Is Managed Testing?

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Managed Testing solves these problems by giving a test project software, test engineers, and automation experts for the whole project’s length. This gives customers more time to focus on their main business while a team of experts from a third party takes care of your test project from start to finish and works closely with everyone involved.

The managed testing services cover all the activities in a single test project. The entire testing process is constructed, and you will get the answers to what, when, and how.

Here are the responsibilities of a managed testing service provider.

  • What is the test for strategy development?
  • How are the test case writings done?
  • How are the test executions and test cases maintained?
  • Growth metrics measurement and reporting.
  • Error solutions and bug fixing.
  • Present requirement analysis.
  • Documentation and testing

These are the key responsibilities of the managed testing service providers. At the individual levels, the services are evolving, so your perfection levels are getting increased.

What Are The Parts Of Managed Testing?

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Managed Testing Services cover all parts of a test project, including the whole testing process. At first, the customer and service provider talk about the “what,” “when,” “how,” and “who” of the project. 

Managed Testing is recommended when the testing topic is complicated and involves a lot of people who need to work together. The customer may not have the resources or expertise to do all of this. 

So, Managed Testing needs to be clear:  The benefits of managed testing services are here. Read it and know why using this system is the ultimate solution for all.

  • What needs to be tested? This describes the system being tested and any requirements or features that need to be tested.
  • At some point, this should become a list of test cases.
  • How it should be tested: This shows how deep and specific the tests should be. For example, when testing phone networks, does it just check that the call was made, or does it also check that the customer was charged correctly?
  • Should system logs or records be kept and checked?
  • When testing should take place and when it should be done.
  • Is testing done at specific times?
  • Are there planned outages or problems that could cause the project to take longer than planned?
  •  Who are the most important people, and how do they need to be involved in communication and decision-making?

Customers of UTOR  often use our Managed Testing Services for long-term projects with multiple phases and test automation that is done in steps. With each new phase of a project, a small number of existing test cases may be used again in regression tests or added to a larger build. This makes sure that new configurations or code changes don’t affect how the current solution is being used. 

Managed Testing may also involve testing and re-testing on different devices new versions of software, firmware, or apps with new features. In these situations, we may also create and write new test cases to cover any new configurations, features, or other ways of putting things together.

What Are The Most Important Reasons To Use Managed Testing Instead Of Testing Done In-House?

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Managed Testing is chosen by organizations because it is flexible, predictable, and saves money. By putting all testing activities, licences, services, and points of contact in one place, projects are easier to track and plan for. 

This makes it easier to know how much a project will cost and how long it will take to finish. Also, having an outside, an objective partner who runs test projects helps keep a fair and neutral way of looking for and fixing bugs.


Managed Testing is a cost-effective solution to manage complicated, ongoing testing projects that need automated testing skills. When time and money are limited, it’s more expensive to acquire automation software licences and educate people in-house than to hire specialists. Managed Testing enhances quality and time-to-market by outsourcing all testing to outside, experienced partners who can manage complex tests. Managed Testing isn’t always optimal. When a project is small, requires particular expertise, or wants to protect artefacts, in-house testing is preferable. Same for one-time or short-term initiatives.

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Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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      Sumona is the publisher for TechTrendsPro. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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