The Easy How To Use WordPress Guide For Beginners (Infographic)

For anyone looking to set up their own blog or website, WordPress is one of the top-tier choices that they can choose for the job. It’s heavily-recommended by many who have set up their own websites for its many advantages, which include:

  • A rather simple and straightforward interface
  • Free to download, develop and use
  • Quite extendable with the various themes and plugins that have been provided by both the official WordPress developers and third-party ones that are affiliated with the development of the platform as a whole
  • Search engine-friendly (which means you won’t need to struggle much with your SEO efforts)
  • Safe and secured
  • Is able to handle different types of media for whatever purpose they may serve
  • Has an open-source framework which only means that it’s open for many types of websites

But many still shy away from WordPress because of the seeming complexities of developing a website using it. This is especially daunting for those who just want a simple, straightforward website or those who just want to set up a simple blog of their own without needing to delve into the intricacies of programming languages and setup mechanisms.

Contrary to popular belief, the basics of WordPress aren’t too technical – you don’t need to have an intimate knowledge of HTML, PHP, or anything like that just to edit a few elements in your website or blog. A simple, easy to follow WordPress manual can be enough to help you figure out what you need to do (or where you’re going wrong) when it comes to editing your website and its content.

Knowing how to edit your website content – even in such a simple way – can benefit you in more ways than one. It can allow you to have first-hand knowledge of what’s going on with your website and understand what your website developer is talking about when they’re explaining what needs to be edited in certain elements.

Recommended reading: Tips and Tricks to Make WP Faster

This knowledge is also useful for when you aren’t in contact yet with your developer and you need to have something edited. Instead of stressing out trying to reach your developer, you can do the minor edits yourself from the things that you know. This way, in case you run into problems, you aren’t wasting time waiting for the developer to come around.

The Easy How To Use WordPress Guide For Beginners (Info-graphic)

 WordPress Guide

Info-graphic source:


Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

      Tech Trends Pro