The Truth about Private Blog Networks You Must Know

When it comes to creating backlinks to your money site, one of the best ways to do this is by utilizing a PBN or private blog network. We’ll be honest, private blog networks are a contentious issue, but if you are smart you can utilize them to increase traffic to your money site. But if you are unsure, here are the truths about private blog networks that you need to know.

They Are Against Googles Terms Of Service

Google has stipulated that PBN’s are against their terms of service, but that is only if they can make a clear link between the sites. When you are setting up your private blog network sites, you need to make sure that they are all different from one another and don’t use the same content. People who have copied content from one and put it all across their network have had their sites taken down by google. So make sure you don’t do this.

They Take A While To Build

There is no quick way to build a private blog network site. Each site requires you to pad it out and this can take time. We’re not saying that you need to write 3000-word articles each day for every one of your sites, but what you do need to do is create original content. The content will need to link to your money site and be in the same niche to make sure that the website looks authoritative. This way, you will build solid backlinks and create a strong network. Each site will need at least 3 posts on it that are at least 1000 words, this way you are padding it out.

Private Blog Networks Are Cheap

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Whether you are measuring the cost of resources that it takes to fill the sites, or if you are costing the entire process, a PBN can be an expensive exercise. Not only do you need to buy the sites, but you also need to then pay for the hosting, and the more authoritative sites you buy, the more you will spend on hosting. This strategy isn’t for the faint-hearted and requires deeper pockets than others, but the payoff could be worth it. You can head over to the associated website T-Ranks to get details in respect of PBN.

You Don’t Need To Maintain Your Micro Sites

Sorry to ruin this for you, but you will need to maintain every single site that is involved in your private blog network. That means that you have to regularly update them and make sure that each site has fresh, niche relevant content that will feed into your money site. This is why it is wise not to stretch yourself too thin. Even though it can be tempting to buy up as many sites as possible, remember that you need to update all of them.

You Can Only Use New Domain Names

There is a myth that you can only use new domain names to build your PBN, this isn’t the case at all and it may well benefit you to use older or expiring domain names. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to get old or expiring domain names from, there are auction sites for just this purpose. Don’t jump in feet first though and try and get the oldest domain name you can. Try and be smart about it, the closer you can get one to your niche, the better off you will be when you are generating content. Whilst it is easier to change the content of the site rather than the niche of the site, the closer you can get it to your niche, the better it will be for you. You may not be able to get it exactly right but the closer you can the easier it will be. The reason that you purchase older domain names is that google will rank them better. They have already built authority and been crawled and ranked many times, so by utilizing these in your network, you are building authority in your wider network.

Wrap Up

Private blog networks are a black hat tactic that google will penalize if you are caught utilizing this strategy. However, if you are smart and make sure that all the sites in your PBN look independently owned and each has a different content, you will fly under the radar. PBN’s are time consuming and expensive, however, the authority and backlinks you can generate through this make them worthwhile. When you are looking for domain names to buy, make sure that you are buying expiring domain names, this way you are buying already established sites that have been crawled and ranked on several occasions. When faced with the choice of a newer site in your niche or an older site that doesn’t match, it is easier to work with a slightly newer site that matches your niche. PBN’s are time-consuming but a worthwhile project if you have the time and effort to put into them.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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