5 Ways To Improve Blog Security

In today’s digital age, businesses and individuals are seeking ways to deliver quality content to their respective customers.

However, while doing this, they are often faced with website hackers and content plagiarists who delight in detecting weak lines of code on your site.

Once your website is exposed to these threats, malware that redirects traffic to a hacker’s site may be installed. For these, blog security is the most required security step.

5 Ways To Improve Your Blog Security

Despite the increased incidences of hacking, some website owners turn a blind eye to these schemes, leaving their websites unprotected. You may think your blog is immune to these threats; until you fall victim to one.

Since WordPress is the most widely used tool for setting up blogs and can quickly draw hackers’ attention, we at Vulners have provided you with five tips to enhance your blog security. We implore you to apply these measures to secure your blog effectively.


1. Have Your Login Secured

2. Avoid Displaying the Version Of Your WordPress Blog

3. Consider Backing Up Your Blog

4. Include The Password Authentication For Your WP-Admin File

5. Use Links To Prevent Copy/Paste

#1. Have Your Login Secured

By standard, all WordPress logins have admin as their username. You probably would have noticed the same on your WordPress blog. Unfortunately, this universal feature is known to virtually all hackers; therefore, the first thing to do on your WordPress site is to change the login to a more secure one.

You can replace your user login with Captcha to shield it from direct attacks. In addition, captcha plugins help prevent your site from spam while enhancing its security. Finally, you can use the Vulners Scanner for WordPress to apply a Captcha to your site.

Vulners Scanner for WordPress is a new service that uses the Vulners API to detect and ascertain vulnerabilities in your website. Contact us for more information regarding this product or to determine other suitable plugins for your blog security.

#2. Avoid Displaying the Version Of Your WordPress Blog

WordPress sites are always known to display the version number, which enables visitors to determine the WordPress edition you are operating with. Unfortunately, displaying the edition number of your WordPress site leaves it susceptible to security threats and breaches.

To remove your WordPress edition number from your page, you need to make some additional improvements: go to your WordPress installation index and erase that readme.html document from the directory. This is done because the file displays the version of your WordPress site to the world.

In addition, various WordPress themes are embedded with login links to provide you with swift access to your login page. With these themes, you won’t be exposing your login page in a way that grants every Tom, Dick, and Harry access to your site, including hackers.

If you have a theme with a login link, ensure you eliminate it. If you can’t eliminate it, think about changing the theme. For example, when you are handling the social security news blog security. These types of security steps will go to protect your security.

Blog security is the most required security step.

#3. Consider Backing Up Your Blog

When you continually back up your blog, it is undoubtedly easy to recuperate from even the deadliest hacks. The beautiful thing about backups is that you can restore content on the entire site with just a click.

Therefore, before you roll out any considerable improvements to your site, like updating the WordPress version or introducing a new plugin, make sure you first carry out a backup. With an improved WP Security plugin, you can restore functions properly and improve your blog security.

#4. Include The Password Authentication For Your WP-Admin File

If you desire to keep hackers far from your blog, make the blog security difficult for them to break in through your login page. Include password protection in your WordPress Admin folder to accomplish this task.

Adding a password to your file will guarantee that nobody can get into it unless they possess the correct username and password.

The easiest method for adding the security password authentication process to your WP-admin file is through the CPanel. All that is required is for you to sign in to your CPanel and select ‘Password Protect Directories.’

Copying content from other sites and pasting it to another is one of the easiest things to do on the internet. You don’t need any unique or complex software to steal web content. This has made it more convenient for content thieves to use your blog for their benefit.

While you cannot stop people from copying your blogs, there are tools you can use to get notified when any of your blogs are being copied. One such is our Vulners API. With Vulners API, you’ll get details on the number of duplicate orders on your site, notwithstanding the most replicated posts. Also, these APIs will assist you with knowing the number of links you have produced.


Protecting your blog from phishing links, hackers, and content thieves is essential in ensuring that your site produces original and high-quality content. In addition, it generally safeguards your website by uncovering loopholes that are inherent to your site or blog security.

At Vulners, we help you develop your security product to integrate vulnerability detection into your site. Check out our offers and contact us for further inquiries.



Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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