If you love to write, then blogging could be your dream job or even a lucrative side hustle! If you’ve never set up a blog before, then you may be unsure how to go about getting started.
Before doing anything else, it’s important to consider the reasons that you want to create a blog site; is it to make some extra income, to build an audience, to network and make business connections, or simply because you enjoy the creative process?
Determining your goals for your blog will help you to decide upon some key elements of getting it set up. Once you’ve got really clear on your primary motive for starting a new blog,
Here Is The Simple Guide To Start A New Blog:
1. Determine Your Niche

For the best chance of success, you should select the niche in which you’ll be writing for the majority, if not all, of your blogs. If you’re having trouble picking one, consider your hobbies or passions: do you love to garden in your spare time or have a long-standing interest in the theater?
Alternatively, you could think about blogging on a subject or area that you’d like to learn more about or become proficient in: perhaps you’ve always wanted to develop your photography skills or learn computer programming.
This could be a great concept for a series of blog posts detailing your journey and what you’ve learned along the way, sharing your experiences with others who are thinking of doing the same.
A final idea to identify your niche is to consider if you adore your job, writing about your professional life, or an aspect of your career, such as the pathway you need to take to reach your current role.
As long as you can write with passion and conviction about your subject, then nothing is off-limits when it comes to choosing a niche for your blog.
2. Choose Your Platform and Get Creating!

Once you’ve got your niche in the bag, it’s time to create a site to host your new blog. To get up and running quickly and easily with professional-looking results, creating blogging platforms using a website builder specifically designed for making blog sites is your best option.
A website builder allows you to simply select from a multitude of templates for your blog site, so all you need to do is add the text and images that you want. You can find them as specific as a website template for entertainment, sports, kids fashion, etc. Plus, elements like SEO optimization, social integrations, and site navigation are all taken care of for you automatically by the platform, which will usually allow you to choose your domain name as part of the build.
You may also wish to consider which builders offer the facility to add eCommerce elements, a discussion board, or image galleries to your blog site and that have excellent analytical tools so that you can easily see how your blog is performing at any given time.
3. Promoting Your Blog

Once your blog site is built and has gone live, you’ll need to promote it to bring readers to your virtual door and build your audience. With a bit of creative thinking, you can do this without needing to spend a single cent.
Advertizing your new blog on social media is the obvious first step; to get the best engagement, however, there are a couple of hacks you can use. Rather than posting with a simple statement regarding your new site and a link, create a round-up post to draw the reader’s interest and have them click through to your site. This strategy is a tried-and-tested means to successfully pull high numbers of visitors through to your blog.
To create a great round-up post, think of a question that relates to the subject of your blog, and then feature a compilation of answers in the post. This sort of content is high-value and will often serve to engage a reader sufficiently to follow the link to the blog site.
You could also promote your new blog by asking friends or your business network to feature a link to your site on their own pages or contact an influencer in your niche who’s new on the scene to see if they would be interested in some cross-promotion.
Got a bit of budget? Consider contacting a popular podcast that matches your niche to see if they would be interested in allowing you to sponsor the ‘cast, or opt for some pay-per-click advertising to leverage the might of the search engine.
Next Steps
Once your blog is established, and you’ve grown a healthy audience, you may want to think about taking things to the next level. To do this, you could up the frequency of your blog posts or branch out in terms of subject matter.
If your blog post has been focused on, for example, home crafts, you could also start writing about how to turn your crafting into a small from-home business.
You could also network with other bloggers and offer guests to post blogs on your site – offers which will hopefully be reciprocated, allowing you to further build your audience or brand. However you decide to develop your blog, always ensure that your content remains of the same high quality and – most importantly of all – enjoy the process!
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