Samsung Galaxy becomes the most popular model and user-friendly device of all. Its unique features, ease of use, appealing design make this product talk of the town. Samsung always tries to provide something new to its users. There are so many different things to discover on a galaxy phone. You can try out Samsung Galaxy S12 Plus; it comes with a new Android operating system and great features.
On the other hand, Google Pixel comes with high-end models, superior software experience, and many more. If you switch to Galaxy from Google pixel, you will notice some different features that pixel doesn’t have.
10 Useful Samsung Galaxy Features You Won’t Find on the Google Pixel
There are some unique features that Samsung Galaxy can provide, but you won’t find on the Google Pixel. Let’s check out those features.
1. One-Handed Mode
These days, the smartphone has become so big as a Hulk. That you could not reach its corner with one thumb. That is why Samsung comes with one hand mode feature. By using a simple gesture and shrinking the screen to the corner, you can get to touch every corner with one thumb.
Pixel allows only to shrink the keyboard and use third-party apps to follow this feature.
2. Dark Mode for Night
You can set up dark mode, which will automatically turn on at night with a Samsung phone. Go to the setting option, then display and tap on night mode to enable this feature. This feature will help you by providing a soothing light that is good for your eyesight.
Pixel can set up its “blue light filtering night light.” From sunset to sunrise, it will work, but it cannot enable dark mode.
3. Wizard With an Extra Gesture
Samsung can offer a wider range of cool gestures. It allows waking up the phone when tapping or double-tapping to open its camera. This phone’s selfie camera detects when you look at the camera. And when you look away, it turns the camera off.
Another gesture is, when you pick up the phone, a smart alert vibrates if you miss any notification. You can see what options are available on this device. Just go to settings, then advanced features, and click on the motion and gesture.
4. Vibrant Patterns
You can set up specific ringtones for separate contacts. Before looking at the screen, you can recognize who is calling. Isn’t it a great feature? Also, there are different vibrant patterns available so that you can set vibrant patterns for various contacts. Open contact card, go to edit option, then view more. Scroll down a little bit, and the customized vibrant pattern will appear. Among five options, you can select only for calls. Note that this feature does not support texts.
5. Customize Quick Setting
By pulling down the notification drawer, you can access the quick setting panel. It will provide shortcuts of most used tools like Wi-Fi, mobile data, sim information, torch, scan QR code, and many more features. If you want to add more apps, then simply customize and add them.
6. Bixby Button
The Bixby button is an advanced feature that Samsung contains. You can set up a regular activities routine using this feature. You can adjust good morning, save battery at night, drive, and work routine using the Bixby button. This feature will lock your screen when you are driving, silence the phone when working. Also, in the morning, it will play a designated tone to wake you up, and at night it activates “save battery at night” mode automatically.
7. Navigation Bar Personalization
Many people hated it when Samsung flipped the bottom row buttons. They put their back button on the right corner in place of the left corner. Fortunately, they make it easier for those users who do not like these particular bottom row buttons. Now users can switch the order as they want. From its settings option, go to display, then select the navigation bar and switch the order.
8. Samsung Game Launcher App
Some people don’t like gaming that much. But, they also find it exciting with the Samsung game launcher app. It has some extraordinary features for the game freaks. It will allow seeing what your friend is playing or their gaming activity by linking a discord account. Make sure to enable game booster like battery saving mode.
9. Notification With Smart Pop-Up View
Many phones allow quick action for their notification. Such as, without opening a messaging app, you can reply to a text. With Samsung, you can turn on the notification into a pop-up bubble. This feature will found in the “advanced feature” option. After that, when you get any notification, it will pop-up like a bubble on the screen. It will show a small version of that app by tapping the bubble. So, when you are in a hurry, this feature will help with quick action.
10. MicroSD Card
The best thing about Samsung is, it has an SD card slot that Google Pixel doesn’t have. A micro Sd card slot can expand the storage of your phone. When the phone space becomes full, you can easily use this extra storage. It is a big money saver as you don’t need to pay any money for extra storage.
Which Phone Is the Best?
Every person has their individual preferences. So, deciding which phone is best is difficult. By comparing both phones features and identifying which phone provides more flexibility, you can choose the better one. It totally depends on your personality, lifestyle, and choice for selecting a smartphone. This article will help you to find out what extra benefits you can have by using a Samsung Galaxy phone.
Between these two brands, there are some extra features that Samsung provides to its users. Maybe, it’s not the best, but these features are great to have for a better user experience. Those pixel users who are looking for a change can buy any model from Samsung Galaxy. You can experience these features that are hard to find anywhere else.
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