ESG Reporting is Evolving: What is Next?

Since 1992 when the UN held the first-ever Conference on Environment and Development, sustainability reporting has become one of the most important components for business success. A lot of pressure from stakeholders is leaving companies with no option but to put more effort into sustainability reporting.

Investors want to know that they are committing their resources to firms that are responsible and focused on addressing climate change and other ills facing society. Even customers, partners, and governments are all speaking in one voice and saying: “This is our planet and there is no room for damaging it anymore.”

As the benefits of sustainability reporting become clearer, calls have emerged on the need to push it a notch higher. The lovely thing about sustainability is that companies are given a lot of flexibility to decide what they want to pursue sustainability. So, whether you prefer to help address the problem of climate change or loss of biodiversity, the biggest question is, “What is next for ESG reporting?”

What is ESG Sustainability Reporting? 

Before looking at the future of ESG reporting, it is important to understand what it is and where it is coming from. ESG sustainability reporting is the disclosure of data about a business’s operations in three areas, environmental, social, and corporate governance. The analysis of your business performance helps to provide stakeholders with a snapshot of the impacts that a company has.

In addition to producing reports that targeted stakeholders can look at and make the decision to invest or buy from your company, ESG sustainability reporting extends to profitability and creating long-term value for a sustainable global economy. Therefore, the goal is not to simply create reports but redefine your operations so that your enterprise can become an important part of helping build a sustainable world economy.

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How ESG Reporting is Changing

Since its establishment, ESG reporting has helped people to reimagine a new, better planet. Sure, we have issues such as global warming, but with the progress from ESG sustainability reporting, it is true that overcoming them is possible. To address these challenges and others, here is a demonstration of how ESG reporting is changing:

ESG Reporting Will Extend to All Listed Companies 

To bring more companies into the ESF sustainability reporting network, the focus is now shifting to the exchanges. Just like the companies produce financial reports, all those that are listed on major exchanges will be required to produce ESG reports. This trend started with NYSE, and now others, including London Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Singapore Stock Exchange, have joined.

Reporting is extending to medium and small enterprises

The focus of ESG sustainability reporting has largely been seen as a thing for the large firms, but not any longer. The focus is now being extended to include all firms. The truth about sustainability is that every enterprise, no matter how small, has something to offer. Although small firms’ wastes, emissions, or other impacts might appear small, the cumulative impact is likely to be huge.

The Parameters for Reporting Will Become More Specific 

To achieve better results for sustainability, ESG reporting is expected to become more specific about the environmental, social, and economic impacts. This focus means taking ESG principles to the next level. So, if your firm decides to help promote carbon uptake by natural vegetation by planting more trees, you will need to answer the big questions such as “How much?” and “Where?”

As you can see, the new focus is aimed at making ESG sustainability reporting more specific, which is only possible by adopting appropriate sustainability management software. So, think of the best way you want to handle ESG sustainability reporting. Whether it is the automation of data collection or following the right framework, appropriate sustainability reporting software will come in handy.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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