Want to buy those extravagant mansions? With these free real estate cheats sims 4 you don’t have to worry about losing simoleons anymore.
Sims Real Estate Are Expensive!
Sims is a virtual reality in all its true sense!
This game verse is unlike any other, over here you don’t have to play a designated character by the programmers. You can have your own set of characters and storyline according to your will!
Although, it all seems amusing and if you have never heard about it then I can feel your excitement in wanting to download it right away. However, before you do anything, there is a major limitation for it. All the marvellous Sims 4 real estate you see in that universe can’t be claimed as yours if you don’t have the money.
Sims money takes time to grow and even though youwill have a career to build your capital in the game, it is a process of tortoise speed.
But wait! Before you feel disheartened and decide to uninstall it, there are some free Sims 4 real estate cheats that you can apply to get new real estate without spending all your Sims money. With these Sims 4 cheat codes you can concentrate on building a career, having connections with neighbours or building a love life without worrying about the house.
Sims 4 Real Estate Cheat Codes:
When we talk about cheat codes it doesn’t mean you are doing something illegal. These are just tips and tricks that can help you gain more interest in the game as you will be moving at a steady pace and not halting time and again.
Afterall, in a single player game using a few cheat codes won’t make much of a difference.
How To Activate Free Real Estate Cheat Sims 4?
Before you learn some of the amazing Sims 4 Real estate cheat codes you have to activate the use of cheats in the game.
First, you have to open the cheat dialogue box with the key combination of Ctrl+Shift+C. The small command console that flashes on the screen will be the savior of all your Sims 4 finance.
If you are a console player then you will have to press LT+RT+LB+RB to get to the cheat command box.
Sims 4 Cheat Codes:
To start with, you have to first type ‘testingcheats on’ [without the quotations]. Type enter after that or if you are on your console press X.
After which you will entre the sims 4 real estate cheat code known as ‘freerealestate on’ [without the quotation of course]
The free real estate cheat sims 4 has been now successfully activated and you can avail any of the luxurious and ridiculously expensive mansions in the sims4 universe.
You can close the cheat dialogue box now.
Note: the ‘testingcheats on’ only need to be entered when you are a new player, not every time you want to use the real estate cheat code.
One of the quickest ways to boost some simoleons [Sims Dollar] in your account is typing ‘rosebud’ or ‘kaching’ to get 1000 simoleons.
However, that is not all. If you are in a dire need of more money you can type in ‘motherlode’ to get a whopping 50,000 simoleons.
Why You Need This Amazing Cheat Code:
- Sim is a game where you have to interact and create connections with your neighbours to get the storyline going. Just imagine your boost in socializing capability when you can throw extravagant pool parties in your huge mansions.
- With this new found free real estate cheat sims 4 you will be free from the worry of constantly using your simoleons to use. Therefore, with full liberty you can buy luxury furniture to decorate your Sims mansions and impress everyone.
- No more being cramped in one room, with the new cheat codes you can have houses with rooms for every member that you add to your family.
- You can concentrate more on other quests in the game.
To Close It Up:
In any form of game trying to get capital to progress through it is always a tedious process. Plus, it can get you disinterested. Using cheat codes is a terrific way to boost your gaming experience and accelerate through the different levels to get to some challenging quests or storylines.
These free real estate cheat codes Sims 4 will give you the genuine Sim life exposure without waiting for you to get rich. No more wondering about getting interactions or increasing your career to get to that dream home. You can cheat your way out of it! Ssshhh! It is just a game.
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