How to Identify a Good Company Secretary for Your Hong Kong Company

Hong Kong is known as a global investment hub. Starting from the era when the jurisdiction was under British colonial rule, it has cultivated a progressive pro-businesses approach that has made it a great option for enterprises that want to sprint to the global arena. For more than a decade, Hong Kong has been ranked at the top of the ease of doing business index by the World Bank.

When you think of taking advantage of this well-known business paradise, the process starts with company registration.

In Hong Kong, the process of registering a company is guided by the Companies Ordinance. One of the most emphasized requirements when registering a company in Hong Kong is a Company Secretary.

Who is a Company Secretary and what are His Roles?

A company secretary is a person or a registered entity that is required to act as the bridge between the company and the Hong Kong administration. Besides, the secretary is charged with the principle duty of ensuring that the company is fully compliant with all the rules, regulations, and policies of the Hong Kong administration. But these are not the only roles of the Company Secretary in Hong Kong.

  • Maintain the statutory books of the company.
  • Help prepare board meetings and take the minutes.
  • Advise the business on matters related to compliance.
  • If the company needs to be deregistered, the secretary has to oversee the process.

How do You Select the Best Company Secretary for Your Company

From the above roles of a company secretary in Hong Kong, there is no doubt that this position is a professional one. Therefore, you cannot simply select any person out there. To help you identify the best, here are some useful tips to help you:

  • Go for the Most Qualified Person

The biggest mistake that you can make when looking for a company secretary is selecting friends or family friends. Instead, you should go for experts with both academic and professional experience. For example, a good company secretary should have held such a position and achieved enviable success.

  • The Secretary Must Be a Resident in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance makes it clear that the selected company secretary should be a resident on the island. Furthermore, the person should have a clear understanding of the Hong Kong market in order to help your company grow. This implies that you should not simply pick the secretary for compliance, but the ideal candidate to help your enterprise succeed.

  • Go for the Secretary who is Committed to See Your Enterprise Grow

Notably, the company secretary you select will be part of your enterprise. For example, he will have access to all the documents and decisions on company operations. This means that you need a person with relentless commitment to see your company grow and succeed.

When it comes to selecting a company secretary, you cannot afford to pick the wrong person or entity. Instead, you must select the best. This is the person or entity with the highest qualifications, experience, and commitment to see your enterprise grow to the next level.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah

      Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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