There was a time when the thought of seeing someone miles away from us moving live on a screen was exhilarating!
However, now it has become so common that we take it for granted. Although, we never forget that these internet shenanigans are not free and we still care about the immense amount of data that we are losing.
I mean, the Wi-Fi bill does come every month!
WhatsApp and Instagram were fine but then came Discord and changed the whole scenario of group chats and informal conference video calls. However, with so many facilities provided on a platter, the data expenditure has become an issue.
So, if you are an ardent user of this social media platform and wondering how much data Discord uses, then the excerpt will be elaborate more in answering that query.
The Questions That Will Be Answered In The Following Article
Including video chatting, group chats, screen-share, multi-streaming; there are a few more features provided by Discord that have a different share of data. So, we will be answering all the below mentioned questions. These are the most frequently asked on the internet.
- How Much Data Does Discord Use In Video Chat?
- Does Discord Consume A Lot Of Data?
- Does Discord Work Without Wi-Fi?
- Is Discord Safe For Kids?
1. How Much Data Does Discord Use In Video Chat?
Discord is best known for a long-term video chat and with an impressive number of member inclusion allowance. This is the reason why many have transferred to Discord video chat without hesitation. However, in order to answer, ‘How much data does Discord use in Video Chat?’, we have to decipher the different ways we use the feature of video call.
A ten-minute video chat in Discord will take up to 300kb every 5 minutes if the number of members is restricted between 4 to 8.
A four-hour video chat in Discord will take up to 20 MB which is roughly estimated to be 5MB every hour. The member limitation is still 4 to 8 people.
Now, when we talk about a 24-hour video chat, the data usage will cross more than 1GB, even if you are very careful.
The video chatting limitations mentioned above only comply with raw video chatting. Additionally, if you want to screen share, or upload media, then the Discord data usage can be between 10KB to 200MB, depending on the media shared or the duration.
2. Does Discord Consume A Lot Of Data?
Video calling for hours and endless sharing and multi-streaming can make any user wonder about this question.
If you also end up asking ‘how much data does discord use?’, remember that the difference in the usage algorithm between this application and any other platform is astronomical.
While Discord uses 5MB to 500MB per hour; domains like Netflix or YouTube use way more. Their data usage can rise from 500 MB to a whopping 1.5 GB.
So, comparatively, with everything you get from Discord, the data usage is far more reasonable than the other applications which I am sure are installed in our handsets too.
3. Does Discord Work Without Wi-Fi?
Although Discord can be used with your mobile data it is not much preferred. Because voice chat and multi-sharing do take a lot of data.
Discord data usage is reasonably low but it is not very idle to be used with mobile data. Hence, Wi-Fi is the best option for the domain.
That being said, if you are outdoors and have an urgency to use the application; you can depend on your mobile data. Just make sure it is light and you are not using most of the intricate features.
4. Is Discord Safe For Kids?
This seems like a question mostly asked by concerned parents. Discord as a platform has found its popularity in recent years and with the pandemic striking, the reach of this social media has spread like wildfire.
The algorithm of people using this application is mostly between the age of 13 – 25. Hence, it is not very uncommon for parents to be worried about their underaged children working and talking to literal strangers.
However, there have only been a few cases with predatory behaviour towards children. Needless to say, with every child having access to technology it is impossible to restrict so the best way to keep an eye on them is by having a casual conversations about their gaming chats; people they have met there; and how they met them.
Sometimes your child can miss red flags and give you details thinking they are harmful but if something is not right, you will definitely understand.
Teach them about the importance of privacy and what the breach of it can do to them. The conversation is the key when you want to know what is happening between your child and the internet.
How To Save Discord Bandwidth?
When people ask how much data does Discord use, we also see them asking questions like how to save discord bandwidth or how can I change Discord Bandwidth.
When not connected to Wi-Fi you can disable auto-play GIFs as the GIFs can be a big-time mobile data hogger.
You can also go to User Setting> Text and Images which shows a few ways that limit the bandwidth usage for the application. For example Media, more than 10MB will not be previewed, or show the preview website to any pasted link, and animate the stickers at all times.
Sensible Use Of Social Media
With new social media emerging every day it is getting difficult to resist the urge to touch your mobile phone after every *blink* or *buzz* of the notification alert. That’s why it is a good thing that our data limit is at least forcing us to limit the usage.
So, if you left asking this question,
‘How much data does Discord use?’
Maybe you have already used a lot of it and it is time to close the application. Go take a walk and maybe detox for a while.
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