Does PPC Ads Increase SEO Ranking and Web Traffic?

A common dilemma for online businesses is whether to hire a team of SEO experts or reach out to PPC services in London. Both Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization are vital digital marketing tools. The question can SEO and PPC work together?

Has been put up for quite some time now. The main reason behind this doubt is the fact that on paper, these two seem completely unrelated. However, a digital marketing expert will know how to use these together to increase a business’s organic search ranking.

In recent years, brands and agencies have veered towards Pay Per Click advertising as a digital marketing strategy offering greater ROIs. One of the major reasons for this is because ROIs from PPC marketing can be analytically examined through data to measure its effectiveness. Other strategies, like SEO, are difficult to calculate simply because there are too many variables that you need to take into consideration. This has made Pay Per Click Advertising a favoured choice among marketers.

PPC services, London can very much support your SEO practices and help increase the organic ranking. PPC advertising doesn’t have a direct impact on the search ranking but leads to indirect consequences. By putting these strategies to work, you can increase traffic on your website significantly. To understand the entire concept of PPC and SEO together, let us shed some light on these individual practices first.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a common digital marketing strategy that aims at increasing traffic and your site’s organic ranking. It includes elements such as high-quality content, use of targeted keywords, optimized descriptions, backlinks, and more. In general, SEO is the bridge between your potential customers and your service.

It works to optimize your site for search engines in which you want to rank your website, for example, Google. SEO is a long-term process rather than an instant result getter.

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

For businesses looking to sell their products to buyers quickly, Pay Per Click or PPC is an ideal choice. It is an advertising model that allows you to display your product or service on a platform and paying the host for each click you receive.

Your search engines like Bing and Google are the most popular platforms today which prove effective for a lucrative business’s PPC campaign. The main goal of both SEO and PPC is a higher conversion rate but the approach is different. Your hired SEO professionals work to gain organic searches, which is different from what a PPC service, London will do.

The Correlation Between PPC and SEO

a. PPC helps Discover More Valuable SEO Keywords

Keywords are a crucial part of both PPC ads and SEO strategies. To increase your web traffic and SEO ranking, targeting relevant keywords is a must. Although since SEO is a slower process, it is harder to determine whether or not the chosen keywords are effective. On the other hand, PPC lets you attain immediate results which makes it easier to filter out the keywords that are driving traffic from the ones that aren’t.

With the help of the information your PPC data brings to you, you can implement better plans in your SEO campaign. The right keyword-driven SEO plan will certainly boost your ranking and increase traffic by reaching your target audience. Therefore, opting for a PPC service, London is beneficial for your SEO as well.

b. PPC ads help Increase Overall Brand Visibility

The first step to increasing organic ranking is being visible to the audience. Until your customers are aware of your business, you cannot increase traffic and hence get conversions. When your PPC and SEO campaigns go hand in hand, you enhance your brand visibility. The more people come across your business, the more are the opportunities for increased traffic.

Through organic SEO practices, you can rank on the top of the search engine. But with PPC listing, you give constant exposure to the viewers. Once a viewer is familiar with your business, they will feel connected with it whenever they require a similar service. Besides, PPC will guarantee more leads which organic results cannot always.

c. PPC Data Improves SEO Content

As mentioned above, PPC offers quick results whereas SEO takes time. So, by testing your content in PPC, you can improve your SEO content too. The headings you will use in PPC ads, depending on how it worked out can provide insight into the title tags for SEO. Content is the backbone of a productive digital marketing strategy.

By generating good quality content, you can increase your website’s ranking and traffic. Other than your website titles and headings, PPC data can also help you to test other elements such as your meta tags. When your website’s entire content will be user-friendly and ideal to drive traffic, you can produce a quality organic listing for your business.

d. PPC Lets You Target a Better Audience

When you choose a decent service provider for PPC services, London, you can approach the campaign in the right way. In simple words, you get to run ads for a definite target audience and generate leads accordingly. The group you target will be the ones who are more likely to boost your conversion rate.

So, the audience you found as your prime target through PPC ads can also influence your other marketing strategies like SEO. Whether the audience search is based on age, location, demographics, etc, you can identify the source from where you can increase your website’s organic ranking. It will not only save your time but also make your effort completely worth it.

Benefit Your Business with PPC and SEO

The information that we have listed out above is more than enough to convince you how PPC ads and SEO can work together. A PPC campaign, even if it doesn’t have a straightforward connection with a search engine optimization strategy can benefit your organic ranking. By analyzing campaign data from both strategies, you can make changes in your SEO plans to ensure that your business is ranked higher on the search engine result page (SERP).

Now that you know the answer to the question Can SEO and PPC ads work together? You should get to work soon. The competition in the market today is too much and it keeps on increasing. So, you should hire an SEO company or find PPC services, London as early as possible. Depending on your chosen service provider, you can start seeing results from your ad campaign soon enough. And for SEO, you will notice an improvement in ranking with time.

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